Mastering Self-leadership Skills

This page provides you with tips and text materials for improving self-leadership and wellbeing. Click the links below or scroll down the page to explore the themes and courses we’ve chosen. You can copy the texts and images from this material and customize them to better fit your company’s communication.
Stay tuned, as each month we’ll update new recommendations!
8 Tips for Better Recovery
Develop a Positive Mindset
Better Sleep in a Few Weeks
Change – A New Beginning Or A Bitter Loss?
Adaptability Empowers You to Succeed and Shine Amid Change!
Self Coaching: Reflecting on Where You Are and Where You Want to Be
Get courageous – develop a growth mindset
Find meaning in mundane moments
What makes your work meaningful?
New year, new goals?
Not enough hours in your days?
Lead your own competency and development!


Kaipaatko muihin teemoihin vinkkejä?

8 tips for better recovery

Recommendation: Improve Your Recovery Skills
This training provides a comprehensive overview of recovery. The foundations of brain recovery skills are sleep, nutrition, and exercise—familiar themes for everyone! However, the processes of mental recovery often receive less attention. Mental energy accounts for more than half of our total energy.
In this training, you will learn methods for both mental and physical recovery and gain more energy for your days! We share 5-minute tips for each area—watch them all or choose just one area to focus on!
Share this training and help others recover! Use the text and image above and share them in a newsletter, intranet, or Slack.
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Better Sleep in a Few Weeks

Recommendation: Sleep Better in Five Weeks
Did you sleep poorly? Did you get enough sleep? The Adult Sleep School training focuses on improving your ability to fall asleep and the quality of your sleep. Through this training, you will learn to make simple yet effective changes to your sleep-related routines. Discover effective and easy methods to improve your sleep that you can start using right away.
The training includes a five-week program, where each week focuses on a specific area. You can watch the entire training at once or watch one video per week!
Be the Sandman’s helper: Use the text and image above and share them in a newsletter, intranet, or Slack.
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Develop a Positive Mindset

Recommendation: Improve Positivity
How do you approach positivity? And how do you talk to yourself? Positive mindsets bring a lot of good into this world. This doesn’t mean there’s no room for negative emotions. A resilient person quickly lets go of negative thoughts and feelings. This mini-training helps you reflect on your attitude towards things and consider yourself and the world from a positive perspective. Welcome to practice!
Spread the good word! Use the text and image above and share them in a newsletter, intranet, or Slack.
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Change – A New Beginning Or A Bitter Loss?

Recommendation: Change – a new beginning or a bitter loss?
As the world around us shifts, transformations also occur within us; in our mind and body. In this video, we dive into the process of psychological change – transition. When faced with change, how often do you ponder what it truly entails? What do you lose in the process of change? What do you gain in return? What can you hold onto? Gather insights and understanding about yourself and others from the video.
At what stage are you in your journey of change? If this question seems perplexing, take a peek at the video and gain a better understanding! If you enjoy the video, feel free to share the text and image above in a newsletter, on an intranet, or through Slack.
See the video on AOB's platform
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Adaptability Empowers You to Succeed and Shine Amid Change!

Recommendation: Everything is changing – how to adapt?
Your adaptability can be nurtured and cultivated! In this video, we focus on the various aspects of adaptability. Consider where your focus should lie. Could there be benefits in embracing new learning, fostering internal motivation, or ensuring psychological safety?
If you’re experiencing or anticipating changes yourselves, feel free to share this video! Perhaps ponder together how you can enhance adaptability! Share the text and image above in a newsletter, on an intranet, or through Slack to spread the word.
Take a peek at the video and see what other content complements it!
watch the video

Self Coaching: Reflecting on Where You Are and Where You Want to Be

Recommendation: Self Coaching
How often do you contemplate your own goals and aspirations? This video provides a wealth of insightful questions to support your reflection. You’ll ponder what satisfies you and what leaves you wanting more. Consider what actions you should do more of and what you should do less. The video aids you in taking those initial steps—or nudges those already on the journey—towards a new version of yourself.
This video remains a timeless AOB-favorite! The topic likely never grows old. If you haven’t watched the video (recently), take a look now and share it with others! As usual, feel free to grab the text and image above and pass them along in a newsletter, on an intranet, or through platforms like Slack.
Got interested? Watch the short video from AOB's platform
Watch the video

Get Courageous and Develop a Growth Mindset

Course Recommendation: Growth Mindset
What is a growth mindset? Outstanding performances and good decisions stem from our ability to think in new ways. A changing world requires us to be familiar with our own thinking. The need to learn quickly, try out new things, allow for mistakes, and experience uncertainty are all familiar aspects of our daily lives. Developing your own thinking is something you can, and definitely should do!
Through the course, you can learn to see things in a new light, develop a new approach to learning, and create a positive perception of your own abilities. You can learn to approach mistakes and failures constructively, as well as develop a healthy attitude towards perfectionism.
Recommend the course! Grab the text and image above and share them in a newsletter, on the intranet, or in Slack.
Explore the course in AOB's learning environment.
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Adding Meaning to Mundane Moments

Recommendation: Working with Meaning
Have you ever considered what creates a sense of meaning in your life and how you could enhance it? In this short video, you’ll learn practical ways to make seemingly insignificant situations meaningful. Tune in!
Recommend the video! Grab the text and image above and share them in a newsletter, on the intranet, or in Slack.
Watch the quick video on AOB's own platform.
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What Makes Your Work Meaningful?

Recommendation: Meaningful Work
This short video explores what makes work meaningful and how you can enhance your own experience of meaning in your work. Interesting, isn’t it?
On an individual level, the sense of meaningfulness is a subjective experience influenced by our personality, values, capabilities, actions, and beliefs of ourselves and our work. Short-term meaningfulness refers to the overall feeling that work evokes in you. Long-term meaningfulness refers to all the goals achieved through work.
Recommend the video! Grab the text and image above and share them in a newsletter, on the intranet, or in Slack.
Watch the quick video on AOB's own platform.
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New Year, New Goals?

Video Recommendation: Goals and How to Set Them
New Year, New Opportunities! Start the year strong by setting clear goals. This video helps you do just that. Through the video, you’ll learn to examine goals from six different perspectives, understand how your goals might conflict with each other, and take the initial steps toward achieving them!
A person writing on a notebook
How do you support setting goals?

What kind of goals does your colleagues have? Could this video support them in setting and tracking their goals? Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack. Remember to include a direct link to the training for quick access to the learning materials!

Watch the short video on AOB's platform
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Not enough hours in your days?

Videosuositus: Ajankäytön hallinta
Itsensä johtamisen ytimessä on ajankäytön hallinta. Kaikilla meillä on omat tapamme hallita aikaamme ja järkevästi käytetty aika on arvokkain resurssimme. Tämä lyhyt video opettaa sinulle tehokkaat keinot ajanhallintaan. Hanki itsellesi enemmän aikaa tärkeille asioille ja vielä vähemmällä energialla. 
A picture of an alarm clock
Could a colleague benefit from this training?

You’ve probably heard someone in the office complaining about being busy. Next time, why not recommend this video to them—or better yet, why not do it right away? Share the text and image above, perhaps in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack. Remember to include a direct link to the training so they can quickly access the learning!

Take a productive 5 minutes and watch the video!
Watch the video

Lead Your own competency and development!

Video Recommendation: Managing Your Own Competence and Learning
This short video on managing competencies is key to personal growth. Through the video, you’ll grasp your role in skill development. It allows you to reflect on your strengths and areas for improvement, guiding you on successfully managing your own skills. Develop yourself and prepare for the new year as a better version of yourself!
An abstract image of a face
Spread the word!

Self-directedness is on the rise! Recommend this video to your employees so they know how to seize their own capabilities and develop them. Copy the text and image above and share them, perhaps in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack. Don’t forget to include a direct link to the training for quick access to learning!

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watch the video
The Experts behind
Academy of Brain

The Academy of Brain has assembled its own team of experts to ensure that the soft skills online training content is based on strong expertise, scientific research and hands-on experience.

Ville Ojanen


Ville is a psychologist with a PhD in cognitive neuroscience. He has more than a decade of experience in the areas of change management and psychological working-life skills training.

Minna Huotilainen


Minna is a professor of educational sciences at the University of Helsinki and at CICERO Learning Network where she uses neuroscientific methods to understand the role of memory and attention in learning. In addition, she leads the international Master’s Programme in Changing Education.

Jarmo Manner


Jarmo has a master’s degree in economics and is an executive coach and organizational consultant. He has 15 years of leadership experience and 20 years of coaching experience with individuals, groups and organizations.
