Interaction Tutorial Package | Academy of Brain

Interaction Tutorial Package

Strong interaction skills enhance collaboration quality

We Spend the Majority of Our Work Time on Interaction

Interaction is a central part of working life. Throughout the workday, we engage in numerous interactions in various situations—whether with colleagues, different departments, or customers. A study by Microsoft, which analyzed massive amounts of Microsoft 365 application data, highlights the significance of interaction: the average employee spends 57% of their time in meetings, emails, and conversations, while 43% is dedicated to creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. In addition to Office tools, we engage in informal interactions both in the office and remotely, utilizing various communication and collaboration tools. In essence, the majority of work time is spent on interaction—making our interaction skills highly important!

Interaction skills improve collaboration quality

Strong interaction skills enhance the quality of collaboration and, in turn, boost human productivity.

Several interaction skills and competencies can improve collaboration quality:

  • Recognizing the personality of a collaboration partner
  • Being more present
  • Valuing diversity
  • Learning to build trust online
  • Engaging in respectful conversations
  • Creating psychological safety
  • Managing emotions in challenging situations
  • Approaching situations with empathy
  • Actively listening
  • Engaging in prosocial interaction
  • Giving proper feedback
  • Using a coaching approach
  • Receiving feedback effectively
  • Maintaining a constructive interaction style that fosters a positive atmosphere
  • Developing conflict management skills.

Why invest in collaboration quality?

Research shows that improving collaboration quality adds value to customers, organizations, and colleagues alike:

  • Better problem-solving: Utilizing diverse perspectives leads to more comprehensive solutions to complex problems. Collaboration allows for a well-rounded approach to challenges.
  • More innovation: High-quality collaboration fosters higher levels of innovation by encouraging idea-sharing. Individual strengths merge into new solutions.
  • Increased employee engagement and satisfaction: Better collaboration boosts job satisfaction and reduces employee turnover. Employees feel valued and supported, increasing their engagement and commitment.
  • Enhanced agility and adaptability: Stronger collaboration improves adaptability, which is crucial in a rapidly changing business environment.
  • Higher customer engagement and satisfaction: Improved collaboration leads to better outcomes, increased satisfaction, and reduced customer turnover. Customers feel valued and supported, strengthening their engagement and loyalty.
  • Organizational agility: Developing collaboration fosters a culture of continuous learning and mutual support among employees.
  • Financial benefits: Investing in collaboration results in economic gains, such as improved profitability and accelerated growth.
Interaction Tutorial Package

How we achieve real change in collaboration quality

We develop collaboration quality through research-based content, microlearning, and reflection:

  • Research-based learning content ensures effective learning outcomes.
  • Microlearning modules fit even the busiest schedules.
  • Reflection transforms learning into practice—employees use self-reflection and shared reflection to explore the emotions sparked by training, the significance of these skills, their potential applications, and how to successfully integrate them into their work.

This approach creates real change—enhancing employees’ interaction skills and improving collaboration quality!

The Interaction Tutorial Package enhances collaboration quality

The Interaction Tutorial Package provides professionals and managers with a broad range of interaction tools and skills. These tutorials offer valuable insights into improving interaction, teamwork skills, and organizational collaboration culture.

The Interaction Tutorial Package includes the following courses

  • Personality at Work
  • Present in Interaction
  • Strength in Diversity
  • Building trust online
  • Respectful Interaction
  • Psychological safety
  • Emotions in Difficult Situations
  • Prosocial Behavior and Listening
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback
  • Five Ways to Influence with Coaching
  • Role of Interaction in Setting the Mood
  • First Aid Kit for Difficult Conversations
  • The Five Quick-Fixes of Navigating Conflicts.
Work Communities Developed
Microlearnings Studied

Test the Interaction Tutorial Package for free

User feedback on Interaction Tutorial Package courses

“This was an excellent course , I was able to identify my own personality. The micro videos were very good. I will go through this course again later.”

“Great tools for positive communication, explained in a simple and concrete way!”

“The introverts had a particularly great share. What a breath of fresh air in this extroverted world. The pressures, the compulsive sharing and the demands of social media. Never mind that sometimes/often you need your own bubble.”

Muuta mieltäsi

Academy of Brain muuttaa mielesi käyttäytymistieteelliseen tutkimukseen perustuvien valmennusten avulla. Verkkovalmennukset kehittävät tärkeimpiä työelämätaitoja, hyvinvointia ja itsensä johtamista. Opit palautumaan ja keskittymään sekä parannat vuorovaikutustaitoja, johtamista ja tapaa toimia määrätietoisesti paineen alla. Sisällöt keskittyvät psykologisten taitojen (soft skills) kehittämiseen. Tässä muutamia esimerkkejä sisällöistämme, jotka ovat kaikki palvelussa käytössäsi:


  • Aikuisen unikoulu
  • Paranna palautumistaitoja
  • Käytännön mindfulnessia
  • Arjen mielenhallinta
  • Painonhallinnan psykologia

Itsensä johtaminen

  • Ajankäytön hallinta
  • Keskittymiskyvyn ABC
  • Muutos haltuun – Kehitä paineensietokykyä
  • Mindset


  • Parempaa palautetta
  • Näin ratkaiset konfliktit
  • Valmentava johtaminen


  • Läsnäoleva vuorovaikutus
  • Huipputiimi
  • Psykologinen turvallisuus
  • Digitaalinen vuorovaikutus ja virtuaalitiimit
  • Persoonallisuus työelämässä

Reflection at the core of developing interaction

At the heart of our solution is the ability to reflect—both individually and as a group. Reflection is not just an individual skill; it is something teams can engage in together to learn from their experiences, adapt to new situations, and support one another in reaching their full potential. When teams make reflection a regular habit, it transforms their interactions, problem-solving approaches, and the way they develop new ideas.

Our training programs emphasize reflection skills because they are essential for building a sustainable work environment. We guide our clients’ teams in having meaningful conversations, questioning their assumptions, and exploring new ideas collaboratively. This shared reflection fosters stronger connections, deeper understanding, and a culture where continuous improvement becomes the norm. This is especially vital as artificial intelligence becomes an increasingly active part of the workplace.

– Ville Ojanen (Chief Psychologist, Academy of Brain)

 – Academy of Brain, the science of Soft Skills learning

Soft Skills Learning


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