Course recommendations for Collaboration and Interaction Skills - Academy of Brain

Master Collaboration Skills and Effective Communication

This page provides you with tips for improving collaboration and interaction skills. Click the links below or scroll down the page to explore the themes and courses we’ve chosen. You can copy the texts and images from this material and customize them to better fit your company’s communication.
Stay tuned, as each month we’ll update new recommendations!
What everyone’s talking about right now – Change
What everyone’s talking about right now – Mental health
What everyone’s talking about right now – ADT, Attention Deficit Trait
Towards an Equitable Workplace!
Take Charge of Difficult Situations and Conversations
Shared Reflection Supports Learning and Community
The Most Important Workplace Skill – Psychological Safety
Towards success through understanding diversity
Turning Diversity into a Strength
Take Charge of Difficult Situations and Conversations
Navigating Emotions in Difficult Situations
How to Turn Change Resistance into an Asset
Be Kind – Prosocial Behavior Enhances Wellbeing
Workplace Relationships Are Developed Through Communication
Seven Steps For Better Colleagueship
Are You Brave Enough To Be Yourself?
See The People Around You
View Of Humanity Helps In Understanding Your Own And Others' Actions

What everyone’s talking about right now

– ADT, Attention Deficit Trait

Recommendation: Living in a world of distractions – ADT, Attention Deficit Trait

Do you find it hard to focus, even just a little? Chances are, you’re surrounded by devices constantly pinging with notifications for every message, email, or reminder as they arrive.
Attention Deficit Trait (ADT) is a recognized behavioral shift that has become increasingly common. It’s typical to jump from one task to another, talk on the phone while rushing to your next meeting, or secretly send emails and texts while chatting with a colleague. While you may get things done, this constant switching takes a toll as your attention bounces from one thing to another.

With this video, you’ll learn more about ADT and how to manage it effectively.
Take a look at the content and gather materials to use in your internal marketing
Watch the video

What everyone’s talking about right now – Change

Recommendation: Two challenges with Change

Recently, we’ve had conversations with many people about the challenges of navigating change. These might involve restructuring discussions, changes in processes or organizational culture, shifting team dynamics, or other smaller adjustments. Often, these changes occur simultaneously, and their effects can pile up. Even a small change can feel daunting, or its impact might not be immediately clear.

That’s why it’s essential to take time to discuss changes openly and with respect. For instance, using this video, you can reflect on the types of changes you’ve experienced, how they’ve felt, and what kind of impact they’ve had.
Take a look at the content and gather materials to use in your internal marketing
Watch the video

What everyone’s talking about right now – Mental health

Recommendation: Everyday Mind Skills

In times of global turbulence, many of us feel uncertainty, fear, worry, and stress. Our minds and bodies easily slip into a state of threat. In the Everyday Mind Skills training, we explore the causes of this threat mode, how we can influence our own experience, and ways to better manage our mental processes.

This training has become one of AOB’s most popular offerings in recent years. If you haven’t checked it out yet, now might be the perfect time!
Take a look at the content and gather materials to use in your internal marketing
Explore the tutorial

Towards an Equitable Workplace!

Recommendation: DEI – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are increasingly important topics in today’s work environment. Discussing DEI is crucial for creating a humane, respectful, and equitable workplace, though starting or sustaining these conversations can sometimes be challenging, especially when they evoke strong emotional reactions. This training is designed to spark reflection and provide support for meaningful discussions. It benefits individuals, teams, and organizations alike. Try watching one video per week and exploring the topic together with colleagues, friends, or family members!
Take a look at the content and gather materials to use in your internal marketing
Explore the training

Shared Reflection Supports Learning and Community

Recommendation: Reflective Work Practices – Alone and Together

Reflection is a powerful way to support collective thinking and learning within teams. This resource offers space to pause, reflect, and deepen understanding around both challenges and successes in the workplace. Through shared reflection, teams can improve communication, strengthen unity, and discover new insights for everyday situations. Try, for instance, reflecting on your team’s latest project or workday—what can we learn from our experiences, and how can we support each other even better in the future?
Take a look at the content and gather materials to use in your internal marketing
watch the video

Colleagueship in a Complex World

Recommendation: Meta Skills of Good Colleagueship – Managing in a Complex World
The once stable and predictable work environment is now filled with uncertainty and constant change. The complexity and ambiguity of today’s work life demand new skills and present challenges for collaboration. This video provides tools for facing unpredictable situations. By developing our own thinking skills—metacognitive skills—we can better understand situations, consider different perspectives, and build a safe atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable working together.
Take a look at the content and gather materials to use in your internal marketing
watch the video

The most important workplace skill – psychological safety

Recommendation: Psychological Safety
Psychological safety allows us to address difficult issues, learn from mistakes, and fully utilize the abilities of group members. For this reason, psychological safety is strongly linked to better knowledge sharing, learning, job satisfaction, performance, and creativity.
Get the foundational knowledge on psychological safety from this video—more tips are coming with the new DEI training. 
Use the text and image above and share them in a newsletter, intranet, or Slack.
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check it out

Towards success through understanding diversity

Recommendation: Diverse Colleagues around Me
By understanding each other’s differences, we can improve our interactions with others. Diversity is a sum of many factors—it’s a richness and a resource. Understanding diversity makes collaboration easier and leads to better success. In this training, we will cover common misconceptions, personality traits, situational differences, and different ways of thinking. By understanding these, you’ll become a better colleague and help your team succeed!
Find tips for understanding diversity in this training! Use the text and image above and share them in a newsletter, intranet, or Slack.
Take a peek!
see the course

Turning Diversity into a Strength

Recommendation: Strength in Diversity
This short video will help you understand the diversity within your team and recognize how you complement each other. Diversity can be challenging, but when harnessed as a team strength, it leads to better results. Understanding diversity has at least two key benefits—check out the video to see what they are!
If nothing else, share this video! Use the text and image above and share them in a newsletter, intranet, or Slack..
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Take Charge of Difficult Situations and Conversations

Recommendation: First aid kit for difficult conversations
We have first aid kits for physical injuries, but what about socially and psychologically challenging situations? If you could create a first aid kit for difficult conversations, what would it contain? How do you ensure that you can stand back up and move towards new challenges? This video offers valuable insights to support you in navigating tough conversations and resolving conflicts. At the end of the video, you can create your own first aid kit and share it with colleagues!
Watch the video, create your own first aid kit, and compare your thoughts with your coworkers!

Feel free to grab the text and image above and share them in a newsletter, on an intranet, or through Slack. Remember to include a direct link to the training so they can quickly dive into the lessons!

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Navigating Emotions in Difficult Situations

Recommendation: Emotions in difficult situations
What are you feeling right now? And how many emotions can you identify at this moment? Emotions can be conflicting, and you may experience several simultaneously. When faced with a tough situation, conflict, or challenging conversation, articulating your emotions can calm the situation. So why do we often avoid expressing emotions in the workplace?
This video helps you understand how to express your emotions constructively and in a manner suitable for the work environment! If you enjoy the video, feel free to share the text and image above with your colleagues through a newsletter, on an intranet, or via Slack.
Let's talk emotions!
Watch the video

How to Turn Change Resistance into an Asset

Recommendation: Why change resistance is a good thing?
One challenging aspect of the workplace is change, as it evokes various emotions and reactions in different individuals. Emotions also fluctuate throughout the change process. It can be frustrating when one is excited and another is anxious—or vice versa! This video helps understand the positive aspects of resistance to change and how it can be harnessed for the benefit.
If change is a relevant topic for you, take a look at this video! Feel free to share it with your colleagues as well; grab the text and image above and pass them along in a newsletter, on an intranet, or through Slack.
Watch the new video!
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Are you brave enough to be yourself?

Video Recommendation: Show the Person behind the Action
Are you brave enough to be yourself at work? What about in your free time? It’s crucial to be able to be ourselves both at work and outside of it. Sharing our thoughts, challenges, skills, or lack thereof, builds trust. Others understand you better and see you as a person – they might even find something relatable! This short video helps you reflect on who you are and how you can be yourself regardless of the environment.
Recommend the video! Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack.
Watch the video on AOB's platform
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See the people around you

Video Recommendation: See the Person behind the Work
Besides daring to be yourself, it’s important to see others as individuals too. How well do you know your colleagues? Do you know how they’re doing or what they enjoy? Behind the work, there’s a group of people, human beings – this video helps you recognize them just as they are!
A person hiding their face with a paper
Recommend the video! Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack.
Watch the short video on AOB's platform
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View of Humanity helps in Understanding Your Own and Others’ Actions

Course Recommendation: View of Humanity
View of humanity plays a significant role in our daily lives. The way we perceive the world and the people around us profoundly influences our actions, choices, and beliefs. This mini-course helps you understand what the view of humanity entails, how your own views impact your actions, and how they could be developed. It encourages reflection on the type of behavior you value and why you believe people act as they do. Moreover, it prompts considerations about why you behave the way you do and provides insights into developing your own view of humanity.
A person walking
Recommend the training! Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack.
Got interested? Check out this minicourse from AOB's platform!
Check out the tutorial

Be kind – prosocial behavior enhances Wellbeing

Video Recommendation: Prosocial Behavior and Listening
Are you interested in enhancing your communication skills and understanding concepts like prosocial behavior or active listening? Studies show that prosocial behavior is highly beneficial and healthy. It also has a positive impact on workplace environments and enhances people’s productivity.
A person on the phone waving to someone
Spread the kind word!

Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack. Remember to include a direct link to the training for quick access to the learning materials!

Watch the short video on AOB's platform

Seven Steps for better colleagueship

Video Recommendation: Seven Quick-fixes for Good Colleagueship
This video presents seven tips to enhance interaction and improve collaboration within your workplace. Through these quick tips, you’ll learn to adjust your behavior, increase understanding within the team, and strengthen colleagueship.
A picture of a trophy
Would you like to explore this together with colleagues? Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack.
Check out the video on AOB's platform
Watch the video

Workplace relationships are developed through communication

Course Recommendation: Good Collaboration in Good Colleagueship
Workplace relationships can often be casual and short-lived – we’re constantly considering how to build connections with new individuals. At the heart of these relationships lies interaction and social networks. In this training, you’ll learn how to establish and maintain connections with others. The training also covers ways to ensure that you can tackle complex matters together.
A team working and talking around a big table
Spread the word!

Take the first steps towards better workplace relationships! Recommend this training to teams and help them enhance interaction and colleagueship. Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack.

Interested to learn more?
Check out the tutorial
Looking for tips and recommendations on other topics? 
The Experts behind
Academy of Brain

The Academy of Brain has assembled its own team of experts to ensure that the soft skills online training content is based on strong expertise, scientific research and hands-on experience.

Ville Ojanen


Ville is a psychologist with a PhD in cognitive neuroscience. He has more than a decade of experience in the areas of change management and psychological working-life skills training.

Minna Huotilainen


Minna is a professor of educational sciences at the University of Helsinki and at CICERO Learning Network where she uses neuroscientific methods to understand the role of memory and attention in learning. In addition, she leads the international Master’s Programme in Changing Education.

Jarmo Manner


Jarmo has a master’s degree in economics and is an executive coach and organizational consultant. He has 15 years of leadership experience and 20 years of coaching experience with individuals, groups and organizations.


Soft Skills Learning


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