Course Recommendations for Leaders, Supervisors, and Managers - Academy of Brain

Recommendations for developing leadership skills

This page provides you with tips for enhancing leadership skills. Click the links below or scroll down the page to explore the themes and courses we’ve chosen. You can copy the texts and images from this material and customize them to better fit your company’s communication. Stay tuned, as each month we’ll update new recommendations!
How to Bring Up Difficult Topics?
Quick Tips for Conflict Resolution
Towards a More Diverse and Inclusive Workplace
Embrace an Agile Approach This Fall
Support Creativity in Your Workplace
Master a Coaching Approach
Use Collaborative Learning for Better Results
Incorporate Learning Into Your Busy Everyday Life
Facilitation Is a Fundamental Skill
Align Strategy and Learning through Competency Management
Support Others' Success with Coaching Practices
Better Results with Better Feedback
Learn to Give and Get Feedback
Develop in Giving Feedback – Learn different techniques!
Respect and Trust Enable Better Feedback
Five Essential Ideas for Change Leaders
How To Thrive During Times Of Change?
How Do You Talk About Changes?
Coachaavalla otteella autat muita jaksamaan muutoksessa
Paineensietokyky auttaa pärjäämään muutoksissa
Kasvun asenteella kohti kehitystä ja kykyjä!

Explore the DEI Training – Towards a More Diverse and Inclusive Workplace 

Recommendation: DEI training
Do you want to build a workplace where everyone feels valued, heard, and part of a shared success? We recommend exploring the DEI training, which provides practical tools for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
Check out our guidelines and tips about organizing a DEI workshop at your organization. Read the guidelines and tips for the workshop here.
Who is it for? This training is suitable for everyone, whether you are a manager, a team member, or a specialist.
Check out the content and pick materials for your own marketing!
Explore the training

Quick Tips for Conflict Resolution

Recommendation: Five Quick Tips for Resolving Conflicts


Would you like to have concrete tools for resolving difficult situations? We can find ourselves in challenging situations as a participant, mediator, or observer. Whatever your role, you can apply the five quick wins presented in this short video to help facilitate a resolution.
Check out the content and pick materials for your own marketing!
Watch the video

How to Bring Up Difficult Topics?

Recommendation: Bringing Up Difficult Topics – How to Start the Conversation?
This video addresses how to bring up difficult issues. Whether it’s about a colleague, the work environment, or the workplace atmosphere, the video provides practical tips for initiating conversations and maintaining an open, communicative culture.
Check out the content and pick materials for your own marketing!
Watch the video

Support Creativity in Your Workplace

Video Recommendation: Conditions for Creativity
The work environment and atmosphere have a big impact on creativity. In this video, you’ll learn about three key conditions for creative and innovative work. Watch the video and let creativity flourish!
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Master a Coaching Approach

Recommended Video: Five Ways to Influence with Coaching
Influencing someone’s thinking and emotions can seem challenging, unfair, or even manipulative. But that’s not what coaching is about. This short video will help you understand how your actions can help others influence their own mindset and behavior.
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Watch the video on the AOB platform

Embrace an Agile Approach This Fall

Video Recommendation: Agile Methods for Managing Distributed Work
Agility becomes even more important when transitioning to distributed work. Want to know what agility looks like in practice? In this short video, we introduce agile practices! The five principles of agility are transparency, rapid iteration, structural flexibility, peer collaboration, and empowerment.
Agile methods are not only necessary but can also be better leveraged in a distributed work environment. Watch the video to see what agility really means in practice!
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5 essential ideas for change leaders

Recommendation: Five Tips for Managing Changes
Change is inevitable. The world is evolving rapidly, new markets are opening up, and new technologies are altering our ways of working. Opportunities and threats emerge. We live in a rapidly changing environment that requires us to adapt, find new ways of doing things, consider what works, and how we can improve.
Leadership plays a crucial role in the success and management of change. In this video, you’ll get five important tips for leading change!
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Check out this new video from AOB's learning platform

How do you talk about changes?

Recommendation: Change Dialogue – How To Talk About Changes?
Changes should be discussed clearly, appreciatively, constructively, and continuously. It is important that the discussion is open and that all parties affected by the change are heard. In this video, you’ll find our tips for engaging in a dialogue about change!
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Check out this new video from AOB
's learning platform
watch the video

How to thrive during times of change?

Recommendation: Cope Better with Change – Developing Resilience
In this course, you’ll have the opportunity to reflect on your ability to withstand pressure and change. Resilience, or the ability to cope with pressure, is a skill that anyone can develop! Through the training, you’ll explore different aspects of resilience and identify where you already excel and what you can further develop
The tutorial will also help you better understand others’ behavior under pressure and identify ways you can support them in succeeding
Recommend the training! Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack.
Explore the tutorial in AOB's learning platform
Check out the tutorial

Use Collaborative Learning for Better Results

Course Recommendation: Learning Together – Team Leader’s Guide
In this compact course, we’ll share how you can make the most out of online learning sessions together with your team. You’ll gain insights into facilitating group discussions and motivating team members. We offer alternative approaches to collaborative learning – choose the one that suits your team best!
As a team leader, you play a crucial role in creating a high-quality work environment, fostering motivation, and, most importantly, supporting the development of your team members. Collaborative learning is an extremely effective way to enhance productivity and well-being within your team, both as individuals and as a community.
Could your colleagues benefit from this coaching?

Grab the text and image above and share them in a newsletter, on the intranet, or in Slack. Remember to include a direct link to the course so they can quickly get started on their learning journey!

Explore the course on AOB's own platform
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Incorporate Learning Into Your Busy Everyday Life

Course recommendation: Learning at Work
This short course provides you with the essential tips for learning. Make learning a part of your busy work life! The tutorial focuses on learning conditions and environments, best practices, and reflecting on learning.
In the workplace, learning is often narrowly defined: it’s seen as important only so that people can perform tasks. However, the benefits of learning are extensive: learning increases brain activity and efficiency, life expectancy, and creativity, for example. Moreover, a curious and learning-oriented lifestyle effectively reduces stress and fuels motivation.
Share the tips and help others learn!

Copy the text and image above and share them in your newsletter, intranet, or Slack-like channels. Remember to include the correct video link so they can quickly access the learning materials!

Explore the training in more detail on AOB's own platform.
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Facilitation is a Fundamental Skill

Course recommendation: Succeed in Facilitation
Facilitation is about seeking common understanding. In this course, you’ll learn the best tips and insights from professional facilitators. Hear what tricks and methods they have gathered along the way. We guarantee you’ll learn effective tools and techniques to use in meetings and workshops.
The course provides you with a facilitator’s toolkit, allowing you to utilize different tools depending on the situation. Have you heard of tools like the Me-We-Us technique, the Café method, or Open Space technology? Dive in and learn!
Spread the word! Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack.
Explore the training in more detail on AOB's own platform.
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Align Strategy and Learning through Competency Management

Course recommendation: Managing Competencies and Learning
Competency management is strategic work, involving consideration of the organization’s strategic objectives alongside employee competencies and development — steering towards the future. It enhances employees’ technical skills, work efficiency, and job satisfaction while also bolstering the organization’s human capital. However, learning is often perceived to only occur during formal training sessions. Why is this the case? How can you effectively increase the visibility of learning and manage competencies amidst work?
An abstract image depicting a railway and a train
How do you support competency management within your organization?

How do you align strategic objectives with the needs of teams and individuals? Could this training provide support for supervisors and team leaders? Copy the text and image above and share them in your newsletter, intranet, or Slack-like channels. Remember to include the correct video link so they can quickly access the learning materials!

Explore the training in more detail on AOB's own platform.

Support Others’ Success with Coaching Practices

Course Recommendation: Coaching Skills for Everyone
Coaching methods are crucial, particularly in leadership roles, as they help your team members succeed and reach collective goals. Coaching aims to develop another person’s thinking without imposing predefined thought patterns. This training equips you with the tools to apply coaching in your daily leadership responsibilities. Support your team in achieving their best results and growing together. Soon, you’ll realize you already know how to coach, and with practice, you can further deepen your expertise!
An image of two people sitting and talking
Could a colleague benefit from this training?

Coaching skills are valuable for everyone! Would this thorough training be suitable for your colleagues? Share it with them and remind that it’s not necessary to cover everything – each person can pick the most relevant areas from the training! So, copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack. Remember to include a direct link to the training for quick access to the learning materials!

Check out the tutorial from AOB's learning platform

Better Results with Better Feedback

Course Recommendation: Better Feedback – Develop in Giving Feedback
Constructive feedback is key to performance management; it’s part of continuous development, growth, and learning. When feedback becomes a routine practice, both giving and receiving it become easier. Besides giving feedback, it’s crucial to actively seek feedback from colleagues – this is how we learn best! Through this training, you’ll gain insights into giving feedback, understand common pitfalls, and learn to make feedback a routine and a positive aspect of everyday work.
A picture of two people discussing
Spread the word!

Take the first steps toward a better feedback culture! Recommend this training to supervisors and assist them in enhancing their feedback skills. Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack. Remember to include a direct link to the training for quick access to the learning materials!

Interested? Check out the training from AOB's learning platform!
Check out the course

Learn to Give and Get Feedback

Video recommendation: Giving and Receiving Feedback
Would you like to learn about quick fixes for providing feedback in the midst of a busy work life? This short video focuses on giving and receiving feedback! Both can be challenging, which is why it’s crucial to learn how to manage our emotional state.
Two people discussing
Make a recommendation! Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack. 
Check out this short 5-minute video on AOB's learning platform
Start the video

Respectful Interaction Enables Better Feedback

Video recommendation: Respectful Interaction
What does interaction that fosters a positive atmosphere look like? In this five-minute video, you’ll learn to create and sustain a respectful conversational culture and influence your team’s atmosphere. Focus on the positive, try to be curious, and show genuine interest in people!
Seize the opportunity and embark on the journey towards better interaction!
A group of people holding cartboard chat bubbles
Spread the word! Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack.
Check out this short video!
Take a peek

Develop in Giving Feedback – Learn different techniques!

Course Recommendation: Mastering Feedback Techniques
Feedback isn’t about one person instructing or advising another; it’s about collaboratively exploring what has been done and how it could be done even better. There are several techniques for this, which should be utilized based on the situation and the individual. This training covers various techniques to support giving feedback. Practice these techniques to understand which ones work best in different situations and with different people.
different shapes and colours of objects
Recommend the training! Copy the text and image above and pass them along, maybe in a newsletter, on the intranet, or via Slack.
Want to learn more?
Check out the tutorial

Paineensietokyky auttaa pärjäämään muutoksissa

Valmennussuositus: Muutos haltuun – kehitä paineensietokykyä
Tällä kurssilla pääset pohtimaan omaa kykyäsi sietää painetta ja muutosta. Paineensietokyky, eli resilienssi, on nimenomaan kyky, jota kuka tahansa kehittää! Valmennuksen myötä tutustut resilienssin eri osa-alueisiin ja voit tunnistaa, missä sinä jo onnistut ja mitä voisit kehittää entisestään. 
Valmennuksen avulla ymmärrät paremmin myös muiden toimintaa paineenalaisena ja tunnistat keinoja, joilla voit auttaa heitä onnistumaan! 
Voisiko kollegasi hyötyä tästä valmennuksesta?

Poimi yltä teksti ja kuva ja välitä ne vaikka uutiskirjeessä, intrassa tai slackissa eteenpäin. Muista lisätä suora linkki valmennukseen, jotta he pääsevät nopeasti oppien pariin!

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Coachaavalla otteella autat muita jaksamaan muutoksessa

Valmennussuositus: Osaat jo – Coaching-taitoja kaikille -osa 2
Tämä valmennus tarjoaa sinulle konkreettisia työkaluja ja vinkkejä muiden tukemiseen. Coachaamisen tavoitteena on kehittää toisen ajattelua, kuitenkaan tarjoamatta valmiita ajatusmalleja. Valmennuksen myötä opit vaikuttamaan muihin ja tukemaan heitä haastavissakin tilanteissa. Voit miettiä miten autat muita onnistumaan ja tuet heitä läpi muutosten ja uudistusten. 
Auta tiimiäsi saavuttamaan parhaat tulokset ja kasvamaan yhdessä. Huomaat pian, että osaat jo coachata, mutta harjoittelemalla pääset syventämään osaamistasi!
An image of two people sitting and talking
Jaa vinkit ja auta muita oivaltamaan!

Tämän valmennuksen myötä esihenkilö voi auttaa tiimiläisiään löytämään uusia ajatusmalleja ja edistysaskeleita kohti yhteistä muutosta. Poimi yltä teksti ja kuva ja välitä ne vaikka uutiskirjeessä, intrassa tai slackissa eteenpäin. Muista lisätä suora linkki valmennukseen, jotta he pääsevät nopeasti oppien pariin!

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Asenteet kohti kehitystä ja kykyjä!

Valmennussuositus: Mindset – kasvun asenne
Tämän valmennuksen tavoitteena on saada sinut näkemään tulevaisuus, joka on täynnä mahdollisuuksia. Valmennuksen myötä tunnistat sekä oman, että muiden kyvykkyyden ja mahdollisuudet oppia. Opit myös joustavuudesta, uteliaisuudesta ja realistisesta optimismista. Valmennus auttaa sinua ymmärtämään, että nykytila ei määrittele tulevaisuutta, mutta tarjoaa sille eväät – vaikka et juuri nyt vielä jotain osaa, voit sen oppia!
A hand holding a small toy plane
Asenteet kuntoon – vinkkaa valmennuksesta!

Kaivataanko teillä kasvun asennetta? Vinkkaa tästä valmennuksesta esihenkilöille ja muulle henkilöstölle! Autat heitä tunnistamaan omia asenteitaan ja kyvykkyyksiään ja erityisesti kykyä kehittyä. Poimi yltä teksti ja kuva ja välitä ne vaikka uutiskirjeessä, intrassa tai slackissa eteenpäin. Muista lisätä suora linkki valmennukseen, jotta he pääsevät nopeasti oppien pariin!

Kiinnostuitko? Tutustu valmennukseen AOB:n omalta alustalta
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The Experts behind
Academy of Brain

The Academy of Brain has assembled its own team of experts to ensure that the soft skills online training content is based on strong expertise, scientific research and hands-on experience.

Ville Ojanen


Ville is a psychologist with a PhD in cognitive neuroscience. He has more than a decade of experience in the areas of change management and psychological working-life skills training.

Minna Huotilainen


Minna is a professor of educational sciences at the University of Helsinki and at CICERO Learning Network where she uses neuroscientific methods to understand the role of memory and attention in learning. In addition, she leads the international Master’s Programme in Changing Education.

Jarmo Manner


Jarmo has a master’s degree in economics and is an executive coach and organizational consultant. He has 15 years of leadership experience and 20 years of coaching experience with individuals, groups and organizations.


Soft Skills Learning


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