Soft skills training solutions | Academy of Brain

Research-based Soft Skills Solutions

Research-based Soft Skills eLearning since 2008.

Our soft skills tutorials are based on researched knowledge, microlearning and reflection.

The quality of our eLearning solutions is ensured by our team of experts and the Learning Success Management team.

Soft Skills solutions for busy worklife

Soft Skills Tutorial Packages

For a targeted need

For fast learning

 For comprehensive development

Soft Skills Tutorial Packages 2

Tutorial packages are designed for targeted needs. Research-based eLearning content serves as brain food for both effective self-directed learning and collaborative learning. The packages are not limited to content alone, as the Learning Success Management team supports you in utilizing the package. We leverage various learning tools and provide materials that enhance communication effectiveness, activate more efficiently, and boost collaborative learning. Our emphasis is on enabling learning in the context of a busy work life, saving time for HR, and ensuring effectiveness.

Tutorial packages are available for both SCORM- and xAPI- compatible learning platforms. Below, we introduce our packages: Accomplishment, Managerial Work and Leadership, Facilitation, Well-being and Recovery, Mindset, Teamwork, Work Colleaqueship, Interaction, Customer Service, Creative Professionals and Technical Professionals.

Read more by clicking on the icon of the desired package.

Academy of Brain Soft Skills training packages


The Accomplishment tutorial package supports experts and managers in their daily challenges and to help achieve their goals. The package provides essential skills for time management, adapting to change, focusing and learning.

Managerial Work and Leadership

Managerial work and leadership serve as the cornerstones of your business. The Managerial Work and Leadership tutorial package supports supervisors and leaders in their growth and help them succeed.


The Facilitation tutorial package offers practical tools for effectively guiding group processes. Whether it’s in-person or remote work, the Facilitation tutorial package helps elevate facilitation skills to a new level.

Well-being and Recovery

The Well-being and Recovery tutorial package provides professionals and supervisors with tools to boost their own well-being and recovery. Support the adoption of healthy lifestyle, develop stress management skills, and build comprehensive well-being.

Growth Mindset

The Growth Mindset tutorial package helps professionals to deepen their understanding of their mindset. The tutorials offer practical tools and inspirational perspectives that support mental well-being and development of a growth mindset.


The Teamwork tutorial package provides a profound understanding of the principles of teamwork and offers concrete tools for improving teamwork. Enhance team dynamics and foster positive interaction.


The Colleagueship tutorial package is designed to enhance colleagueship of expert teams. The tutorials focus on the fundamentals of good colleagueship, effective communication, understanding and appreciating diverse colleagues.


The Interaction tutorial package provides professionals and supervisors with a wide range of tools and skills for effective interaction. With the tutorials you can foster a collaborative culture within the organization.

Customer Service: Well-being and Interaction Skills

Customer service specialists are a vital asset to any company, meaning their well-being is of utmost importance. This tutorial package focuses on strengthening self-leadership, recovery, stress management, as well as constructive communication.

Creative Professionals: Self-leadership, Interpersonal Skills

Success in creative industries requires much more than just creativity. This tutorial package focuses on strengthening the growth mindset, facilitation skills, self-leadership, initiative, and comprehensive communication skills of creative professionals.

Technical Professionals: Stress Management and Team Skills

Technical industry is constantly dealing with rapidly changing situations and unexpected problems requiring effective responses. Ability to manage stress and be flexible are extremely important skills. Technical experts often also need good team skills.


Microlearning library is designed for quick soft skills learning. Short five-minute videos are well-suited for rapid learning moments. Fifteen minutes is enough!

The library consists of 63 microlearnings from five different themes: modern leadership, productivity and well-being, interaction, collaboration, and growth mindset. In addition, a Learning Success Manager (LSM) will be assigned to you. LSM supports your communication planning and learning design. We utilize, for example, annual activity plans and monthly highlights.

Available for learning platforms and Sharepoint intranets.

Soft Skills Library

By choosing the library, you will get all soft skills content. The library is designed for comprehensive development of soft skills. This includes all current trainings, new releases during the contract period, ready-made learning paths, and customized learning journeys.

The library also includes comprehensive support from our LSM team. Your designated Learning Success Manager will hold a meeting with you at least once a quarter to examine results together and, if necessary, plan measures to increase usage. We respond to changes in the activity of your personnel by offering consultative support in areas such as communication, phenomenon-based learning, and collaborative learning.

Available for all SCORM- and xAPI -compliant learning platforms.

The experts behind
our Soft Skills tutorials

The Academy of Brain has assembled its own team of experts to ensure that the soft skills online training content is based on strong expertise, scientific research and hands-on experience.

Ville Ojanen


Ville is a psychologist with a PhD in cognitive neuroscience. He has more than a decade of experience in the areas of change management and psychological working-life skills training.

Minna Huotilainen


Minna is a professor of educational sciences at the University of Helsinki and at CICERO Learning Network where she uses neuroscientific methods to understand the role of memory and attention in learning. In addition, she leads the international Master’s Programme in Changing Education.

Jarmo Manner


Jarmo has a master’s degree in economics and is an executive coach and organizational consultant. He has 15 years of leadership experience and 20 years of coaching experience with individuals, groups and organizations.

LSM-team maximizes ROI

Academy of Brain’s Learning Success Managers ensure that you get the most out of the content! Their mission is to help you succeed. LSM supports in learning design and content marketing. They collaborate with you to create plans, monitor and help increase engagement, explore reports and feedback. Together with your LSM, you’ll develop communication plans and receive guidance on any questions you may have.

FUSE learning model for soft skills development

We have found the content of your Good Colleague training interesting and of high quality. The training covers a wide range of truly valuable topics, and almost every theme makes you want to delve deeper through exercises. It was great to experience this kind of collaboration, where we could integrate the content of the videos into practical exercises with a team of 30 people. The combination of online course and workshops has worked well, and the content has complemented each other effectively.

Tehy has offered its members several Academy of Brain online courses, and they have been very popular. The strength of the online courses is perceived to be the flexibility of being able to listen to and complete them anytime, anywhere. The length of the videos has been considered sufficiently short, and the topics are seen as relevant. The content of the online courses has been found useful, and the collaboration with the Academy of Brain has always been smooth, with assistance readily available when needed.

High-quality and effective service, excellent content, outstanding customer service. Keeping up with the times.

In my opinion, AOB is currently the number one in content production in its field in the open domestic market.

The content is diverse, easily applicable, and can be adapted to various coaching implementations to deepen, focus, or expand on the themes covered. An impactful package for developing the future skills of the personnel.

We chose to include Academy of Brain’s trainings in our course offerings because they are highly relevant and also reinforce future workplace skills.

Laadukas ja toimiva palvelu, hyvät sisällöt, erinomainen asiakaspalvelu. Ajassa kiinni.

Anne Kauppinen

Tehy on tarjonnut jäsenilleen useita Academy of Brainin verkkokursseja ja ne ovat olleet kovin suosittuja. Verkkokurssien vahvuudeksi on koettu se, että niitä voi kuunnella ja suorittaa milloin ja missä vain. Videoiden pituus on koettu riittävän lyhyeksi ja aiheet ajankohtaisiksi.Verkkokurssien sisältö on koettu hyödylliseksi ja yhteistyö Academy of Branin kanssa on sujunut aina mutkattomasti ja apua on saanut tarvittaessa.

Mona Jaari
Training Designer, Tehy

Olemme nähneet Hyvä työkaveruus-koulutuksenne sisällön mielenkiintoisena ja laadukkaana. Koulutuksessa on monipuolisesti tosi hyvää asiaa, joista melkein jokaiseen teemaan tekisi mieli tarttua ja syventää harjoitusten muodossa. Oli hienoa kokeilla tämänkaltaista yhteistyötä, jossa saimme nivoa videoiden sisällöt käytäntöön ja harjoituksiin 30 hengen tiimin kanssa. Verkkokurssi + työpajatkokonaisuus on toiminut hyvin ja sisällöt ovat hyvin tukeneet toisiaan.

Maiju Kangas & Paula Louet

AOB on sisällöntuotannossaan tällä hetkellä omasta mielestäni oman alansa avoimien kotimaisten markkinoiden ykkönen.

Antti Salmi

Erinomaiset sisällöt, erinomainen asiakkaiden kohtaaminen ja palvelu myynnistä seurantaan. Kiitos paljon!

Terhi Aaltonen-Ogbeide

Valitsimme mukaan opintotarjontaamme Academy of Brainin valmennukset, koska ne ovat erittäin ajankohtaisia, ja vahvistavat myös tulevaisuuden työelämätaitoja.

Jenni Ahlblad

Sisällöt ovat monipuolisia, helposti hyödynnettäviä ja sovellettavissa monenlaisiin valmennustoteutuksiin syventämään, fokusoimaan tai laajentamaan käsiteltäviä teemoja. Vaikuttava kokonaisuus henkilöstön tulevaisuustaitojen kehittämiseksi. 

Mari Svahn
Chief HR Officer Salomaa
HR-professional, do you want to test our packages and libraries? Get a 60 day test period, for free!

Soft Skills Learning


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