Work Well-being at Risk
Work Well-being at risk

Work well-being is at risk for most of us at some point of our life. The world has become more hectic and demanding, which can feel overwhelming. The challenges of well-being at work affect both the individuals and the organization, but also extend more broadly to society and the economy. In this article, we reflect on the background, effects, and solutions related to work well-being. We will dive into themes such as:

Who is responsible for work well-being?

How can organizations support employees in enhancing well-being at work? 

What can individuals do on their own to enhance their well-being?”

Work Well-being as a Modern Challenge

Ensuring work well-being is one of the biggest challenges for organizations. According to a study by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, 17 percent of employees experience quite a bit or a lot of stress symptoms. In some industries, the figures are considerably higher. For example, according to a study conducted by Varma, 51 percent of women and 45 percent of men working in the social and healthcare sector assess their symptoms of work burnout as quite high or high. You can see quite similar results all around the globe.

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Work Well-being at Risk: Background Causes and Factors

External Risk Factors


Excessive workloads, high levels of urgency, tight schedules, and consecutive series of complicated projects burden employees.

Working hours:

Factors such as a demand for being reachable outside regular working hours, regularly working overtime, and tasks extending beyond normal workdays negatively impact employees’ well-being at work.

Organizational culture:

An organizational culture that emphasizes excessive internal competition, maximization of profits at any cost, or efficiency regardless of consequences can create a stressful work environment.

Quality of Leadership:

Poor leadership, lack of clear guidance, and inadequate support from supervisors’ cause uncertainty and increase employee stress.

Job uncertainty:

Uncertainty factors such as risk of dismissal or organizational transformations can heighten anxiety and stress.

Working Conditions:

Inadequate working conditions, such as too much noise, poor ergonomic conditions, and poor air quality, have a negative impact on work well-being.

Commute and Mobility:

Long commutes and mobile work can be physically and mentally taxing.

Internal Risk Factors

Stress Management Skills:

An individual’s ability to handle stress and pressure affects how they cope with work-related demands.

Values and Attitudes:

Personal values and attitudes towards work influence how an employee perceives and reacts to stress.

Psychological Resources:

Individual psychological resources, such as self-confidence, independence, and the ability to cope with difficult situations, are crucial factors in work well-being.

Health and Lifestyle:

Overall health and lifestyle factors, such as exercise, nutrition, and sleep, directly impact well-being at work.

Motivation and Commmitment:

Motivation for work and commitment to the organization influence how a person navigates challenging situations.

Social Support:

Lack of social support in both work and personal life can increase vulnerability to stress and burnout.

Impact of Decreasing Work Well-being

Challenges in work well-being have effects on both the well-being of employees and the efficiency of the organization. Burnout, sick leaves, and employee turnover cause significant costs. According to Deloitte the costs associated with absences related to mental health issues are nearly 1,000 euros per employee per year.

How Decreasing Work Well-being Affects Individuals

Deterioration of Health:

Individuals experience physical symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, and digestive issues, as well as psychological challenges such as anxiety and depression.


Reduced work well-being can lead to burnout, manifested as a sense of powerlessness, lack of energy, and a general cynicism towards work.

Decline in Work Motivation:

Individuals’ work motivation decreases, affecting the quality of work and commitment.

Work-life Imbalance:

Challenges in work well-being make it difficult to balance work and personal life, negatively impacting overall quality of life.

Problems in Social Relationships:

Personal relationships can suffer as challenges in work well-being at work persist. This can lead to isolation and an increased sense of loneliness.

Obstacles to Professional Growth:

Challenges in well-being can hinder individuals’ professional development and the realization of their full potential.

Impact of Reduced Work Well-being on the Organizations

Decrease in Productivity:

Fatigued and stressed employees often struggle to deliver their best performance, leading to a decline in productivity that is reflected on the organization’s results.

Increase in Absenteeism:

Reduced work well-being contributes to higher rates of sick leave and disability. This increases organizational costs and burdens the remaining workforce.

Employee turnover

Issues with employees’ well-being lead to higher turnover rates. Recruiting new employees, providing orientation, and reaching an efficient work level become costly for organizations.

Diminished Workplace Atmosphere:

Challenges in well-being at work have a negative impact on the workplace atmosphere. This can lead to conflicts, mistrust, and weakened teamwork.

Reputation Problems:

The organization’s reputation suffers if a significant number of burnout cases or the consequences of burnout become publicized.

Towards Better Work Well-being

It is important that organizations and individuals recognize the impacts of poor work well-being and work together to address the challenges. There are many solutions that can be applied at both the organizational and individual levels.

The role of human resources is crucial in promoting employee well-being and creating a work environment that supports sustained performance. Organizations should establish a work environment suitable for human work, shape the work culture, provide adequate training, and implement other necessary support measures. It is the individual’s responsibility to work on enhancing their own skills and resources, for example, by taking advantage of the organization’s training offerings.

Organization’s Solutions

Workload Management:

By assessing employees’ workload, it is possible to better manage the distribution of workload and implement measures such as allocating resources more effectively or setting realistic schedules.

Working Hours Flexibility:

Offering employees the opportunity for flexible working hours and remote work promotes a balance between work and leisure.

Clear Guidelines:

Clear guidance on job tasks and a well-designed onboarding process promotes work well-being.

Training Opportunities:

Providing employees with access to relevant training ensures adequate readiness for performing their tasks. Emphasis on self-management, recovery skills, and mindset training will help to increase work well-being.

Workplace Wellness Programs:

Workplace wellness programs are systematic and comprehensive action plans by organizations aimed at improving employees’ well-being and supporting them in their work.

Supervisor Training:

Developing leadership skills is a significant part of ensuring the team’s work well-being. Supervisors and management should also understand the basics of stress and well-being and possess tools for identifying challenges.

Supervisor Support:

Providing supervisors with sufficient time and resources to support team members. An example of effective leadership is removing work obstacles and promoting learning through coaching.

Occupational Healthcare:

Access to quality occupational healthcare and psychological support.

Improving Workplace Atmosphere:

Creating a positive and open workplace atmosphere that supports interaction, collaboration, and well-being.

Solutions for Individuals

Stress Management Skills:

Stress management skills can be developed through practices such as resilience training, mindfulness, and relaxation coaching.

Time Management:

Improving time management and prioritization skills helps focus on essential tasks at work, leading to increased productivity.

Exercise and Healthy Diet:

Regular exercise and a healthy diet enhance both physical and mental well-being.

Ensuring Quality Sleep:

It is crucial to obtain sufficient, high-quality sleep, as good sleep is vital for overall well-being.

Social Support:

When life becomes challenging, it is important to talk about it. A listener or conversation partner can be found in colleagues, friends, family members, or professionals.

Professional Development:

Continuously developing professional skills and workplace skills is key to work well-being.

Work-life Balance:

Maintaining a healthy balance between work and leisure enables adequate recovery and adds meaning to life.

Enhance work well-being with soft skills training


 – Academy of Brain, the science of Soft Skills learning

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