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Welcome to our online trainings!

Academy of Brain’s online learning tutorials are based on behavioral and social science research and practical experiences. Our online trainings develop important soft skills. We aim to improve employees’ interaction and management skills as well as their way of handling pressure.

Online Training Themes

Academy of Brain
Academy of Brain

Managerial Work & Leadership

Soft skills are the basis of Managerial work and Leadership. Improve your ability to lead!


Quality Interaction in Hybrid Work

What happens when your team’s interaction takes place through different mediums? While working remotely, it is often easier to focus on the matter at hand and forget about the underlying emotions and experiences. To make remote work more productive and keep up a good atmosphere, in addition to facts and tasks, you should pay special attention to people’s emotions and create a strong sense of community.

Five Ways to Influence with Coaching

Influencing another person’s thinking and emotions can sometimes feel difficult, cruel or even manipulative. Even though coaching aims to influence other people’s thoughts, instead of giving them ready-made solutions and thinking patterns, a coach aims to help the person find ways to change their mind themselves.

Agile Methods in Remote Leadership

Distributed work highlights the importance of agility. Agile methods are not only a necessary in distributed work, they are also better utilized in distributed work. But what does agility mean in practice?

First Aid Kit for Difficult Conversations

Working life is full of difficult situations, discussions and conflicts. However, you should not be afraid of these – the perspective can be changed from a problem to a learning experience. However, it is good to see these situations as a process. Prepare for difficult situations and think about how to successfully reach the end result from the starting point.

Five Quick-Fixes of Navigating Conflicts

We can participate in difficult situations and conflicts in several ways. We can be an injured party, a solver of conflict, or a bystander. Apart from our role, we all have five quick- fixes that we can utilize.

Basic Principles of Coaching Leadership

A coaching leadership approach is one leadership style among others. A coaching leader directs their energy towards people in order to utilize the potential of individuals and the group. It has been shown to increase individual well-being and organizational productivity. In the following video you will learn about the basic ideas of coaching.


Leader's Coaching Approach

Coaching leadership is a comprehensive approach that guides all leadership.

The goal of a coaching leader or supervisor is to act as an enabler of success, removing obstacles from the employees’ way. This can be achieved by giving the employees more authority and resources, by supporting the employees in figuring out solutions by themselves, and guiding experts in harnessing their full potential. The key benefits of coaching leadership include the organisation’s improved ability to react, increased motivation among the personnel, and harnessing
the potential of the entire work community.

length: 45 min
videos: 4
exercises: 4


Leader's Work Community Skills

Work community skills include giving feedback, resolving conflicts, influencing, facilitation and teamwork skills.

Positive work community skills promote complex thinking and
community spirit among your employees. When an organization has good work community skills, the employees work well with each other: they contemplate and discuss things and like to work in groups. This leads to increased
profitability and improved customer service. A supervisor’s
good work community skills will also show in successful feedback giving: people view feedback as a shared learning conversation.

length: 45 min
videos: 5
exercises: 5


Leader's Self-knowledge

A leader’s self knowledge includes awareness skills, motivation, stress management and recovery skills.
Good self knowledge helps a leader control their behaviour and modify it flexibly. The leader is aware of the emotions a situation elicits in them and how their behaviour affects other people. With retrospective self knowledge, you can reflect on your actions, motives and work more deeply afterwards. Self-knowledge makes it possible to define a constructive long-term focus that will help the team utilise their resources efficiently.

length: 45 min
videos: 5
exercises: 5


Leader's Problem Solving Skills

Supervisory work is largely about bringing people together to solve problems.

Difficult situations in work life are often complex dilemmas and contradictions that have no simple solution. It’s important for a supervisor to balance between conflicts of perspective, cultivate willingness to try things, and inspire the right kinds of moods within the team and yourself. A key ability is the ability to inspire the employees to consider the problem slowly and curiously, trying to outdo the previous solutions. When the supervisor’s problem solving skills are in order, you’re able to maintain a long term focus, have things running smoothly and reduce the number of conflicts.

length: 45 min
videos: 4
exercises: 4


Leader's Impact on the Atmosphere

The ability to influence moods consists of emotional skills, leading emotions, appreciation, trust and security.

Research shows that people’s productivity and ability to act are strongly dependent on the mood around them. When a supervisor has good emotional skills and knows how to lead emotions, it has a positive effect on the work community’s mood: people are smiling and accomplishing things, unbothered by stress. In a good atmosphere, morbidity rates go down and the number of sick leaves is halved. The three most important mood factors that maintain the employees’ ability to work are appreciation, trust and security. The atmosphere is also built by channelling emotions. It’s important that the leader or supervisor knows how to recognize
emotions and bring them up for discussion.

length: 45 min
videos: 4
exercises: 4


Leader's Sense of Meaningfulness and Continuous Learning

On an individual level, meaningful work promotes better job satisfaction, motivation and occupational health. On an organizational level, it increases the efficiency and quality of work; there are fewer sick leaves, and the employees are more committed to the organization.

What part does leadership play in the feeling of meaningfulness? When the organization is undergoing change, different crises and all sorts of instability, it’s crucial that the organization maintain a sense of continuity, communality and security. Coherence and continuity are an
inborn need for us humans. We want to maintain a sense of personal continuity of ourselves, our roles and our work, and we strive for building continuity in our lives.

length: 45 min
videos: 4
exercises: 4


Team leader's Academy of Brain – Develop Your Team!

As a team leader, you play a vital role in creating a high-quality working environment, in feeding your people’s motivation and especially in supporting your team members’ development.

In this tutorial we will go through the ways in which you as a team leader can best utilize our materials with your team.

length: 40 min
videos: 5
exercises: 3


Succeed in Remote Leadership

The benefit of well-oiled remote work is the opportunity to achieve more and better results in a shorter time. Well-led remote work also increases your employees’ work satisfaction. However, the success of a remote team will largely depend on how the team is led.
This tutorial goes through the best practices for leading a remote team.

length: 2 h
videos: 8
exercises: 8


Remote Facilitation

Transferring from traditional offices to a remote environment has brought us lots of new possibilities, but also many challenges. Although there are several similarities in hosting a workshop remotely or in a traditional meeting room, unique challenges may arise that fortunately can be tackled with virtual facilitation. So what is virtual facilitation about? What are the most common  pitfalls of virtual meetings, and how could you conquer them?

This tutorial presents the best practices of virtual facilitation. Become a master in hosting virtual workshops!

length: 2 h
videos: 11
exercises: 10



Coaching Skills for Everyone

Coaching has become a relevant skill that provides extensive benefits. For example, studies show that a person understands their thinking better when they have discussed their thoughts with another person. The aim of coaching is to develop the other person’s thinking without providing them ready-made thought patterns. This tutorial dives deep into coaching and how it works in practice.

length: 3 h 30 min
videos: 26
exercises: 11


Succeed in Facilitation

Facilitation is about finding a common understanding.
Someone could say that facilitation is easy, you simply ask
questions and remain content-neutral. However, for some of
us, staying content-neutral, focusing on the process, and putting our own opinions aside can be difficult. The goal of a facilitator is to find a common ground for working together, guide the process, and help people think and interact with each other.

This tutorial is designed together with the top facilitators from Finland. In these videos, they will share the most effective facilitation tools, methods, and best practices with you. These tools and techniques help you when you are facilitating a workshop or participating in one. Welcome on board!

length: 4 h 30 min
videos: 19
exercises: 19


Coaching Leadership

According to research, coaching leadership enhances individuals’ well being and boosts productivity within the organization. This tutorial gives you good practical tools for growing into the coaching role. There are a lot of different
leadership styles. Research indicates that a good leader employs three to four styles flexibly. How can you learn to apply the right style for the right moment?

length: 4 h
videos: 11
exercises: 13


Better Feedback

The objective of feedback is to learn. Instead of “feedback”,
we should call them “learning discussions”. More importantly, feedback is not about one person telling others how they should do their work. The goal is to recognize
together what have you done so far and how could you develop your actions further. Feedback is a crucial factor in developing individuals and organizations.

length: 3 h 30 min
videos: 16
exercises: 10


Navigating Conflicts

Different minor and major conflicts are part of our everyday life. Work communities are full of difficult
situations and conflicts. Research indicates that up to 85 percent of employees experience constant conflicts in their Work.

This tutorial introduces four perspectives that will help you deal with conflicts. These so called four doors base on a Harvard University study.

After the tutorial you have the resources to turn a conflict
in to a learning experience.

length: 3 h
videos: 16
exercises: 15


Managing Competencies and Learning

We know from research that learning something new enhances a person’s well-being. In a changing world, all workplaces require continuous learning. Learning something new doesn’t always mean participating in a new training program. What can the leadership, middle management, and all employees of an organization do to create the best possible conditions for learning? Where can resources be found to learn new things amidst the pressures of a hectic work life?
In this course, you will learn about competency management, what is your role in it, and how the responsibilities divide throughout the organization. You’ll gain insights on how to do this on an individual, team, and organizational level.

length: 3 h
videos: 16
exercises: 15


Humane Productivity

Humane Productivity is the ability to make meaningful things happen in a way that enhances well-being and promotes shared learning.


Working Under Pressure

How you work under pressure depends on your positivity, efficiency and flexibility. You can improve each of these areas. This Quick Fix explains the main aspects of working under pressure and guides you to improve your resilience.

Time Management

Time management is about getting things done. You cannot manage time. You can, however, manage the way you use your time – you can determine what you do with your time, just like you can determine how you use your money.

Managing your time refers to planning what you’ll do with the time you have available so that you’ll have enough invested time and enough time to spend. It also means planning exactly what you are going to do when it’s time to invest time: in which activities will I use my time? The goal is always the same: achieving the ability to direct energy into those things that matter so that they would get done.

Goals and How to Set Them

Goals can be examined through six perspectives. The first and perhaps the most important perspective is to understand that we often have several goals at once, and they can often be in conflict with one another.

ADT – Attention Deficit Trait

Are you feeling a little distracted? Around you, devices are beeping and buzzing, alerting you to every text message, email or reminder as soon as it arrives. ADT is a tendency to jump from task-to-task, talking on the phone while you rush to your next meeting, sending emails and texts covertly while talking to a colleague, and generally trying to do too many things at once.

Learn To Focus

Focusing means the ability to direct your energy into things that matter. In order to do a good job, you must focus on the task. In this video, you will learn about the three areas of focusing.

Self Coaching

If you want to develop yourself, you need to stop and think about the next version of yourself.

The Best Practices of Online Learning

The world is constantly changing and learning has gone online. Self-paced online learning has brought about new kinds of freedom and possibilities, but also challenges and responsibility. How does online learning differ from the more traditional ways of learning? This video goes through the best practices and most common pitfalls of online learning.

Find Motivation for Routine Tasks

How should you motivate yourself and others to do mundane tasks? This video teaches you three practical and efficient methods for improving motivation.

Managing Interruptions

In today’s working life, we constantly face interruptions. You should learn to control them. It is important to first identify the interruption, accept the situation and take overtime.

Encounters Enforce Mental Recovery

Have you ever considered how big an effect interaction and other people have on you and your recovery? We are dependent on other people – the feeling of being part of a social system and having good quality encounters are extremely important.

More Energy with Recovery Techniques

This video goes through the basics of your recovery: which things affect your energy levels and how could you easily improve your recovery?

Managing Your Own Competence and Learning

Today’s working life is full of challenges and opportunities. It requires continuous learning, adaptation, and managing change for both organizations and individuals. In this video, we will discuss how we can develop our own adaptability to change and lead our own skills to meet future needs. This video provides practical tips and insights into managing our skills in a changing work environment. We can all evolve and succeed in constant change!


Improve Your Recovery Skills

Recovery divides into two: physical and mental – body and mind. Physical recovery is the basis on which mental recovery builds.
Most of us know what physical recovery processes there are:
sleep, nutrition & exercise. But what do you know about mental recovery? Do you know how you could improve your mental recovery? In this tutorial, you will learn methods and processes to develop your recovery skills, welcome!

length: 2 h 30 min
videos: 8
exercises: 9


Sleep Better in Five Weeks

Many people struggle with getting a good night’s sleep, causing difficulties in other parts of their lives. Have you tried to improve your sleep?

This tutorial focuses on improving your ability to fall asleep
and to improve the quality of your sleep. Improving sleep involves making a few simple, but powerful shifts in routine and behaviors. Want to know what they are?

length: 1 h 30 min
videos: 7
exercises: 6


Practical Mindfulness

This short tutorial teaches you the basics of mindfulness and helps you get started with training. By doing the exercises every day for a couple of weeks, you will notice positive effects, such as better sleep & concentration – or simply an improved mood!

length: 40 min
videos: 6
exercises: 6


Managing Your Time

Time management is about getting things done. You cannot manage time. You can, however, manage the way you use your time – you can determine yourself what you do with your time, just like you can determine how you use your money. Managing your time refers to planning what you’ll do with the time you have available so that you’ll have enough invested time and enough time to spend.

length: 1 h
videos: 4
exercises: 3


Focusing Skills

Focusing means the ability to direct your energy into things that matter. In order to do a good job, you must focus on the task. Today, however, our lives are full of interruptions and stimuli that distract our minds. In this course, you will learn to master five focusing skills.

length: 2 h
videos: 8
exercises: 12


Hybrid Work – Self-leadership at Work

Work life is transitioning into a hybrid model, where different models of remote work and office work are combined flexibly. In this training, we will introduce you to the core principles of leading your own work and working smoothly.

This training will encourage you to consider your concentration skills and time-management skills and recognise the best work environments for different work tasks. After this training, you will have a solid foundation for planning your everyday life better, even in hybrid work, and you will learn to act efficiently with less energy!

length: 1 h 30 min
videos: 7
exercises: 6


Learning at Work

Learning has become an essential part of our work life, and its importance continues to increase. However, often learning is seen as relevant only when you are required to know something or master a new skill.


length: 1h
videos: 4
exercises: 4



Cope Better with Change - Developing Resilience

Resilience is an everyday skill. You face complex and complicated situations on a daily basis. These situations involve other people and you should be able to solve challenging things together. How do you adapt to new situations and changes? How quickly can you adapt and recover your ability to act? Resilience is an important brain skill, especially in the information age. It’s not something you either have or don’t have: it’s a learned skill that can be measured and developed.

length: 1 h 30 min
videos: 10
exercises: 8

Psychology of Weight Management

If you have ever tried to lose weight, or are being critical towards your body, this tutorial is great for you. Regardless of your goals, this tutorial will teach you psychological skills, that you can utilize in many areas of your life. Widen your perspective and learn about the psychology of weight
management. The tutorial bases on acceptance and commitment therapy, as well as research on eating habit and weight control.

length: 3 h
videos: 9
exercises: 20

Interpersonal skills

Collaboration is how value is created. We need each other to make a difference.


Building Trust Online

The success of a virtual team depends largely on how well its members communicate and whether they are able to trust one another. While building trust among team members is important in all configurations of teams, it is essential in virtual teams, where individuals typically have fewer points of contact and need to be able to rely on one another’s work ethic and communication skills.

Strength in Diversity

Understanding diversity presents several benefits: firstly, we understand each others’ behavior better and recognize how situational factors affect us. Secondly, you get a better understanding of the team dynamics: the team’s collective strengths, unique contributions of
team members, and potential blind spots and development opportunities.

Respectful Interaction

How to create a respectful environment through interaction?
To promote a good mood as a team member, you need to be motivated for good quality interaction and make conscious choices for that while working with other people. Focus on the positives and stay curious and interested in others.

Psychological Safety

Psychological safety affects a team’s performance, its climate, knowledge sharing and creativity. 

Show the Person behind the Actions

It is equally important that you are able to be yourself both at work and during your free time. Sharing your inner world, your emotions, thought processes, and even insecurities builds mutual appreciation, trust, and
psychological safety.

See the Person behind the Actions

An organization is just a concept; there are only people & personalities. We often forget when speaking to other people that their behavior is guided by their experiences. It is important to see the other person as a complete package and to understand that we are dealing with human experiences. Added value comes from interaction, and interaction is always a human activity that comes from experience. The first person you need to see is yourself.

Listening Skills

By listening, you open up to each other’s experiences and accept them as they are. Talking conveys three levels: words, emotions, and needs. You should accept other people’s emotions, but you can question the way the emotions are expressed.

Emotions in Difficult Situations

Emotions are natural for us, yet we have a tendency to avoid expressing our emotions. Often, however, we are
able to sense what the other person is feeling, no matter what they say. It is important to accept that yours and others’ emotions are equally valuable.

Prosocial Behavior and Listening

Prosocial behavior refers to consciously choosing to interact in ways that have benefits to your and other people’s well-being. Research indicates that this is extremely healthy and beneficial for us. It has a similar effect on the work community and it increases people’s productivity.

Digital Teams and Virtual Interaction

The workplace – and the way teams work together – is undergoing significant transformation. More and more work is done remotely, and the amount of virtual teams is increasing.

This quick-fix gives you practical
tips on working in a digital environment.

Giving and Receiving Feedback

The objective of feedback is to learn. Actually, instead of “feedback”, we should call the activity “learning discussions”. Feedback is not about one person telling others how they should do their work. The goal is to recognize together what have you done
so far and how could you develop your actions further. There are three simple quick fixes for you to
begin with. What are they?

Accepting feedback can be hard, which is why it is important to learn to manage your emotions. How do you feel when getting feedback? What makes it difficult for you to receive feedback? What would be the best way to give you feedback?

Role of Interaction in Setting the Mood

To promote a good mood for your part as a team member, you need to be motivated for good quality interaction and make conscious choices for that while working with other people. Often the things we discuss are complex and involve conflicting views, especially when it’s something new. Creative, high-quality interaction can be summed up in three words: curiosity, courage, and playfulness.


Learning Together – a Team Leader's Guide

In this training, we will tell you how to best utilize online trainings together with your team. You will get tips for facilitating conversation sand motivating your team members. We offer alternative methods of learning together – you can pick the one that works best for your team.

As a team leader, you play an important role in creating a high-quality work life, feeding motivation, and supporting the development of your team members, which is particularly important. Learning together is a powerful tool for improving the productivity and wellbeing in your team – as individuals and as a community.

length: 2 h
videos: 11
exercises: 10

Understanding Personality Types at Work

Diversity is an asset and a strength, once understood correctly. Understanding diversity improves your selfawareness, appreciation towards differences and develops your ability to evaluate tasks that are suitable for you. Understanding personalities helps you succeed in modern working life. 

This course dives into the best- known personality theory, the Big Five. The Big Five model presents five personality traits: Need for Stability, Extraversion, Originality, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness.

length: 1 h 30 min
videos: 7
exercises: 7


Hybrid Work – Unpredictability and Difficult Situations

Changes in the team and work environment pose new kinds of challenges that you can influence with your actions. Resilience and the ability to change play a key role in hybrid work. This training lets you develop your ability to act in hybrid work and in an ever- changing world by improving your resilience. When faced with difficult situations, it’s worth to think about your own actions and ways to make them more favourable. It’s a good idea to do this reflection with your team as well and see how changes have affected the way you work together. You will learn practical tips on how to have these difficult conversations online as well. You will learn to understand and process emotions in tough situations and focus on positive interaction.

length: 1 h 30 min 
videos: 4
exercises: 5

Present in Interaction

Working life is becoming more and more interactive. It is important to learn to be present in interaction. Being present requires five keys: concreteness, listening, assertiveness, positivity and shared goals. Learn how to use these keys to improve your interaction skills.

length: 1 h
videos: 9
exercises: 3


Hybrid Work – Cooperation and Accomplishment

This online training offers you the best practices of hybrid work to help you and your team succeed in multi-location work. Good interaction builds a sense of community, which is crucial in hybrid work. As hybrid work increases, the level of autonomy at work tends to increase. On that account, research shows that the most important skills while working
remotely are skills related to leading yourself and others. We will teach you the factors that increase your team’s ability to advance things.

length: 2 h 30 min
videos: 11
exercises: 11


Digital Interaction and Virtual Teams - Develop Trust Online

This tutorial focuses on ways to enhance digital interaction and virtual teamwork. You will learn to create a communication strategy, understand various interaction etiquettes, and learn to develop trust online.

length: 2 h 30 min
videos: 16
exercises: 15


Collaboration Skills

Everyday encounters define the atmosphere at work. Each encounter impacts the community and how well it can succeed.


Encounters Enforce Mental Recovery

Have you ever considered how big an effect interaction and other people have on you and your recovery? We are dependent on other people – the feeling of being part of a social system and having good quality encounters are extremely important.

More Energy with Recovery Techniques

This video goes through the basics of your recovery: which things affect your energy levels and how could you easily improveyour recovery?


The Basics of Good Colleagueship

In this training, we introduce to you the basics of good colleagueship.

What’s so useful about good colleagueship? Cooperation lies at the heart of every work community’s performance. We are always dependent on others whenever we try to accomplish things. Colleagueship is about the cooperative everyday relationships, and the atmosphere in which people cooperate. Each daily encounter affects the entire community’s success. For this reason, colleagueship is a central resource of any community.

length: 1 h
videos: 7
exercises: 6


Good Collaboration in Good Colleagueship

How do you build a connection with another person as quickly as possible? How do you maintain this connection, and how do you process increasingly complex things together, even if you have less time to build the work relationship? Colleagueship invites us to think about interaction and our social networks. How do we interact with people, and how do we maintain a good spirit and solve problems as diversely as possible?

length: 45 min
videos: 3
exercises: 4


Diverse Colleagues Around Me

There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to understanding other people.

We tend to explain someone’s unwanted or unexplainable behavior with their permanent personality traits, such as level of intelligence or natural inclinations.We form a static picture of the other person and feel like we can’t work with this person or that we don’t get along with them, their thinking or actions are so rigid. However, by understanding personal differences, not forming understanding of others based on shallow conceptions, and not assuming other people’s experiences are similar to yours, you can improve your interaction with others.

length: 1 h
videos: 4
exercises: 4


Developing Colleagueship

Developing colleagueship is a challenging process. Our ability to maintain relationships is limited and as colleagueship is in a constant state of change, there are no hard and fast rules for developing it. Inevitably we come across difficult situations in our collegial relationships.How should we react in the different stages and situations of colleagueship?

By understanding the different stages and difficult situations of colleagueship we can find the right strategies for developing it. We can also learn to create a complete picture of where our relationships are at and how they are going.

length: 1 h
videos: 5
exercises: 8


High Performing Team – Common Practices

Work is done together. The quality of teamwork determines the end result and the atmosphere. This three-part High Performing Team tutorial answers the question: How do I enhance teamwork?

In the first part of this tutorial, we focus on the most common challenges and most prominent solutions for teamwork.The course aims to develop team practices, consider team roles, discuss rules, and create a common goal.

We recommend that the teams conduct the training together so that each member of the team completes the content of the module independently and then the team leader facilitates a joint discussion on the subject. The tutorial provides the facilitator with instructions on how to guide the learning sessions.

This is the first course of the High Performing Team tutorial.

length: 1 h 30 min
videos: 8
exercises: 6


High Performing Team – Diversity and Interaction

In this second course of the High Performing Team tutorial, we will focus on diversity and interaction. We will discuss how to improve your team’s atmosphere and encourage respectful interaction. In addition, you’ll learn how to navigate conflict situations and recognize diversity as an asset!

We recommend that the teams conduct the training together so that each member of the team completes the content of the module independently and then the team leader facilitates a joint discussion on the subject. The tutorial provides the facilitator with instructions on how to guide the learning sessions.

This is the second course of the High Performing Team tutorial.

length: 1 h 30 min
videos: 5
exercises: 7


High Performing Team – Execution and Accomplishment

In this third and final course of the High Performing Team tutorial, we will focus on execution and accomplishment. You’ll learn how to boost decision making, how to evaluate your actions, and the benefits of trial and error.

We recommend that the teams conduct the training together so that each member of the team completes the content of the module independently and then the team leader facilitates a joint discussion on the subject. The tutorial provides the facilitator with instructions on how to guide the learning sessions.

This is the third and final course of the High Performing Team tutorial.

length: 1 h 30 min
videos: 5
exercises: 7



Growth Mindset

Mindset affects the way you automatically think and feel about yourself, the world and other people. It is a collection of attitudes and skills that you can learn to apply.


Working With Meaning

This quick fix discusses what you can do in a situation that feels meaningless. You can work to make situations feel more meaningful. It requires you noticing your mood and actively working to change it.

Meaningful Work

Meaningfulness is one of the key motivators in human life. However, in working life, it often disappears due to the stress, hectic schedules, and organizational structures.

Developing attitudes

Top performance, good decisions and new perspectives all begin with our ability to see things in a new light. What kind of automatic attitudes do you have? You should get to know your attitudes, as they have a strong influence on your life. They affect your ability to see things in a new way and expand your thinking.

Leaving the Role of the Victim

We easily see things as the fault of circumstances or someone else and feel powerless with them. Leaving
the role of the victim means a permanent change of attitude – so how should you do it?


We all have a tendency to talk critically to ourselves. Consider this: Would you talk like that to a friend of yours? Would you compare them the same way you compare yourself to others?

Self-compassion is about being friendly to yourself.

If you watch the video together, discuss the insights it evokes. Here’s a question you can start with:

How could you practice self-compassion today?

Emotions in Action

How do emotions work? How should you react to them? In today’s working life, besides expressing our thoughts and ideas, it is essential that we get to express our emotions as well. Therefore, it is extremely important
that you learn to recognize, acknowledge, and express yours and others’ emotions in a constructive way.

Flexible Perfectionism

Perfectionism refers to the desire to do things as well as possible and the subsequent belief that perfection is something to aim for.


Growth Mindset

Top performance, good decisions and new perspectives all begin with our ability to see things in a new light. This tutorial focuses on developing your mindset. You will notice changes instantly!

+ Creativity and innovativeness – learn to see things in new ways
+ Agile Learning – create a new attitude towards learning
+ An attitude of growth – create a positive understanding of your
+ Courage – create a constructive mindset towards mistakes and
+ Perfectionism – create a healthy attitude towards perfectionism

length: 1 h 30 min
videos: 5
exercises: 3

Improve Positivity

How fast are you able to find something positive in a difficult situation? Positivity is not a given, but you can and you should practice it, as it will help you and others around you!

length: 1 h
videos: 2
exercises: 4

View of Humanity

The view of humanity, our internal concept of what humans are like, plays a significant role in our everyday life. The way we see the world and others around us has a strong effect on our actions, choices and beliefs. This mini-course dives into how you could change your view of humanity, and why. Welcome to the tutorial!

length: 40 min
videos: 2
exercises: 2


Everyday Mind Skills

Did you know that you miss out on the majority of your experiences? Your brain produces unique experiences every waking moment, but you are able to notify only a small part of them. Emotions and needs have a strong effect on your behavior. Whether they are good or bad, all emotions are needed and valuable.

This tutorial aims to help you  acknowledge and accept your emotions and needs. By practicing, you will be able to control, express and take responsibility for your emotions.

length: 2 h
videos: 10
exercises: 7


How Academy of Brain works

Micro-learning anywhere, anytime

Academy of Brain online trainings make learning easy and flexible, as everyone can decide when, how and what they want to learn. On mobile or laptop, learn utilizing bite-sized sessions.

Learning tracks for teams, experts and managers

We respond to your company’s strategic needs with learning tracks and facilitated solutions. The study paths inspire staff to train themselves and support community learning. You will be able to build the learning paths tailored to your strategic needs together with an Academy of Brain expert.

Developing YOU

We have decades of experience in staff development. We specialize infusing online trainings to organization´s L&D processes at three different levels; individuals, teams, and professional status, i.e. experts, innovators and managers.

Muuta mieltäsi

Academy of Brain muuttaa mielesi käyttäytymistieteelliseen tutkimukseen perustuvien valmennusten avulla. Verkkovalmennukset kehittävät tärkeimpiä työelämätaitoja, hyvinvointia ja itsensä johtamista. Opit palautumaan ja keskittymään sekä parannat vuorovaikutustaitoja, johtamista ja tapaa toimia määrätietoisesti paineen alla. Sisällöt keskittyvät psykologisten taitojen (soft skills) kehittämiseen. Tässä muutamia esimerkkejä sisällöistämme, jotka ovat kaikki palvelussa käytössäsi:


  • Aikuisen unikoulu
  • Paranna palautumistaitoja
  • Käytännön mindfulnessia
  • Arjen mielenhallinta
  • Painonhallinnan psykologia

Itsensä johtaminen

  • Ajankäytön hallinta
  • Keskittymiskyvyn ABC
  • Muutos haltuun – Kehitä paineensietokykyä
  • Mindset


  • Parempaa palautetta
  • Näin ratkaiset konfliktit
  • Valmentava johtaminen


  • Läsnäoleva vuorovaikutus
  • Huipputiimi
  • Psykologinen turvallisuus
  • Digitaalinen vuorovaikutus ja virtuaalitiimit
  • Persoonallisuus työelämässä
The experts behind
Academy of Brain

The Academy of Brain has assembled its own team of experts to ensure that the online training content is based on strong expertise, scientific research and hands-on experience.

Ville Ojanen


Ville is a psychologist with a PhD in cognitive neuroscience. He has more than a decade of experience in the areas of change management and psychological working-life skills training.

Minna Huotilainen


Minna is a professor of educational sciences at the University of Helsinki and at CiCERO Learning Network where she uses neuroscientific methods to understand the role of memory and attention in learning. In addition, she leads the international Master’s Programme in Changing Education.

Jarmo Manner


Jarmo has a master’s degree in economics and is an executive coach and organizational consultant. He has 15 years of leadership experience and 20 years of coaching experience with individuals, groups and organizations.

Digital interaction and virtual teams

This tutorial focuses on ways to enhance digital interaction and virtual teamwork. You will learn to create a communication strategy, understand various interaction etiquettes, and learn to develop trust online.

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