Academy of Brain muuttaa mielesi käyttäytymistieteelliseen tutkimukseen perustuvien valmennusten avulla. Verkkovalmennukset kehittävät tärkeimpiä työelämätaitoja, hyvinvointia ja itsensä johtamista. Opit palautumaan ja keskittymään sekä parannat vuorovaikutustaitoja, johtamista ja tapaa toimia määrätietoisesti paineen alla. Sisällöt keskittyvät psykologisten taitojen (soft skills) kehittämiseen. Tässä muutamia esimerkkejä sisällöistämme, jotka ovat kaikki palvelussa käytössäsi:
In today’s dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, the ability of an organization to adapt swiftly to change is paramount for success. Beyond technological advancements and strategic initiatives, one of the key driving forces behind organizational adaptability lies in the cultivation and utilization of soft skills. Research consistently underscores the pivotal role these skills play in fostering a workplace culture that is not just responsive but anticipates and thrives in the face of change.
Collaboration is the cornerstone of collective efforts. Collaboration in the modern workplace is also increasingly seen as a form of social learning, involving groups of people interacting and reflecting to solve situational problems, complete tasks, or understand new concepts. Collaboration skills form the bedrock of productivity.
Knowledge work encompasses three key components that form the basis of how work is done: formal approach, informal approach, and reflective approach. The roles and significance of these have evolved rapidly, especially with the advancement of artificial intelligence and the rise of remote work. Among these changes, the importance of the reflective work approach has become increasingly prominent, with its impact on productivity and workplace well-being continuously growing.