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soft skills learning 

Academy of Brain produces soft skills e-learning content based on academic and professional research. We future-proof our customers by creating content that is based on proven science that will increase the intellectual, human and financial value of your company. A knowledgeable employee is a powerful asset.

Your soft skills development partner


Our soft skills content is designed, developed and validated based on academic and professional research.


We condense research findings into videos under five minutes.


Learned knowledge is put into practice through self-reflection and shared reflection.


Increase the intellectual, human and financial value of your company.


Uniform e-learning content in English, Finnish, and soon in Swedish.


Founded by a neuroscientist in 2008. Our content has been used to train hundreds of thousands of employees in over 120 countries.


Our customers use our tutorials either in their learning platform or intranet.


NPS 71 (2020), NPS 71 (2021) and NPS 71 (2022).

We develop the following soft skills


The Accomplishment tutorial package supports experts and managers in their daily challenges and to help achieve their goals. The package provides essential skills for time management, adapting to change, focusing and learning.

Managerial Work and Leadership

Managerial work and leadership serve as the cornerstones of your business. The Managerial Work and Leadership tutorial package supports supervisors and leaders in their growth and help them succeed.


The Facilitation tutorial package offers practical tools for effectively guiding group processes. Whether it’s in-person or remote work, the Facilitation tutorial package helps elevate facilitation skills to a new level.

Well-being and Recovery

The Well-being and Recovery tutorial package provides professionals and supervisors with tools to boost their own well-being and recovery. Support the adoption of healthy lifestyle, develop stress management skills, and build comprehensive well-being.

Growth Mindset

The Growth Mindset tutorial package helps professionals to deepen their understanding of their mindset. The tutorials offer practical tools and inspirational perspectives that support mental well-being and development of a growth mindset.


The Teamwork tutorial package provides a profound understanding of the principles of teamwork and offers concrete tools for improving teamwork. Enhance team dynamics and foster positive interaction.


The Colleagueship tutorial package is designed to enhance colleagueship of expert teams. The tutorials focus on the fundamentals of good colleagueship, effective communication, understanding and appreciating diverse colleagues.


The Interaction tutorial package provides professionals and supervisors with a wide range of tools and skills for effective interaction. With the tutorials you can foster a collaborative culture within the organization.


The Change Tutorial Package helps participants understand how their actions influence change and success at work. The tutorials provide practical tools and insights that support adaptability, resilience, and a positive approach to change.

Customer Service: Well-being and Interaction Skills

Customer service specialists are a vital asset to any company, meaning their well-being is of utmost importance. This tutorial package focuses on strengthening self-leadership, recovery, stress management, as well as constructive communication.

Creative Professionals: Self-leadership, Interpersonal Skills

Success in creative industries requires much more than just creativity. This tutorial package focuses on strengthening the growth mindset, facilitation skills, self-leadership, initiative, and comprehensive communication skills of creative professionals.

Technical Professionals: Stress Management and Team Skills

Technical industry is constantly dealing with rapidly changing situations and unexpected problems requiring effective responses. Ability to manage stress and be flexible are extremely important skills. Technical experts often also need good team skills.

We create high-value soft skills solutions

Team of Experts & Production Team

Our team of experts ensures that our soft skills tutorials are based on researched knowledge and strong expertise.

Our production team is responsible for the design of the tutorials and the quality of microlearning.

Learning Consultants

Learning consultants assist organizations in selecting suitable tutorials and designing learning solutions.

Learning Success Management Team

Learning Success Managers ensure that our clients get the maximum benefit from the soft skills content. Together, we achieve long-term learning outcomes.

Work Communities Developed
Microlearnings Studied

How our customers think about our collaboration

It is important to us that we offer high-quality content to our customers, and that is why we chose Academy of Brain. Their soft skills training is backed by science, and supports our mission of empowering HR to create a better world of work.

We have annually offered our members Academy of Brain’s online courses as workplace wellness courses, which have received very positive feedback. The courses have been particularly popular due to their flexible scheduling and diverse content. The video lengths are appropriate, and the topics are relevant. The content of the online courses is practical and useful. Collaboration with Academy of Brain has also always been smooth.

We found Academy of Brain’s Good Colleagueship training content to be interesting and of high quality. The training covers a wide range of really good topics, almost all of which we felt inclined to delve into and deepen through exercises. It was great to try out this kind of collaboration, where we could integrate the video content into practical exercises with a team of 30 people. The online course + workshops combination has worked well, and the contents have complemented each other nicely.

In my opinion, AOB is currently the number one in content production in its field in the open domestic market.

The contents are diverse, easily usable, and applicable to a variety of coaching implementations to deepen, focus on, or expand on the themes discussed. An impactful package for developing the future skills of the staff.

We chose to include Academy of Brain’s tutorials in our course offerings because they are very topical and also strengthen future workplace skills.

Laadukas ja toimiva palvelu, hyvät sisällöt, erinomainen asiakaspalvelu. Ajassa kiinni.

Anne Kauppinen

Tehy on tarjonnut jäsenilleen useita Academy of Brainin verkkokursseja ja ne ovat olleet kovin suosittuja. Verkkokurssien vahvuudeksi on koettu se, että niitä voi kuunnella ja suorittaa milloin ja missä vain. Videoiden pituus on koettu riittävän lyhyeksi ja aiheet ajankohtaisiksi.Verkkokurssien sisältö on koettu hyödylliseksi ja yhteistyö Academy of Branin kanssa on sujunut aina mutkattomasti ja apua on saanut tarvittaessa.

Mona Jaari
Training Designer, Tehy

Olemme nähneet Hyvä työkaveruus-koulutuksenne sisällön mielenkiintoisena ja laadukkaana. Koulutuksessa on monipuolisesti tosi hyvää asiaa, joista melkein jokaiseen teemaan tekisi mieli tarttua ja syventää harjoitusten muodossa. Oli hienoa kokeilla tämänkaltaista yhteistyötä, jossa saimme nivoa videoiden sisällöt käytäntöön ja harjoituksiin 30 hengen tiimin kanssa. Verkkokurssi + työpajatkokonaisuus on toiminut hyvin ja sisällöt ovat hyvin tukeneet toisiaan.

Maiju Kangas & Paula Louet

AOB on sisällöntuotannossaan tällä hetkellä omasta mielestäni oman alansa avoimien kotimaisten markkinoiden ykkönen.

Antti Salmi

Erinomaiset sisällöt, erinomainen asiakkaiden kohtaaminen ja palvelu myynnistä seurantaan. Kiitos paljon!

Terhi Aaltonen-Ogbeide

Valitsimme mukaan opintotarjontaamme Academy of Brainin valmennukset, koska ne ovat erittäin ajankohtaisia, ja vahvistavat myös tulevaisuuden työelämätaitoja.

Jenni Ahlblad

Sisällöt ovat monipuolisia, helposti hyödynnettäviä ja sovellettavissa monenlaisiin valmennustoteutuksiin syventämään, fokusoimaan tai laajentamaan käsiteltäviä teemoja. Vaikuttava kokonaisuus henkilöstön tulevaisuustaitojen kehittämiseksi. 

Mari Svahn
Chief HR Officer Salomaa

The Science Behind Soft Skills Learning

How to Develop Soft Skills Efficiently & Quickly

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Last updated 14 June 2024.

Soft Skills Learning


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