Colleagueship Tutorial Package | Academy of Brain

Colleagueship Tutorial Package

Utilize the four benefits of good colleagueship

What is colleagueship?

Colleagueship is about everyday collaboration and the kind of atmosphere in which people work together. Research shows that strong colleagueship is built on four key pillars:

  1. Professionalism: Everyone strives to develop their expertise, acts meaningfully based on it, and aims to work professionally with all colleagues.
  2. Shared Direction: When everyone is aligned, responsibility is taken for tasks that must be accomplished together.
  3. Work Efficiency: Efforts to clarify roles and ground rules while remaining flexible, offering help, supporting each other, and being open to receiving assistance.
  4. Collaboration-Building Attitudes: Positivity, humanity, trust, and courage.

How to develop colleagueship?

Developing strong colleagueship is a complex process. Our brains have limited capacity for maintaining relationships, and colleagueship is constantly evolving, with no universal rules for strengthening connections. However, individuals and work communities can learn to understand colleagueships, their phases, and the strategies needed to maintain and improve them.

A successful development process starts with understanding the fundamentals of colleagueship: what it is, its benefits, how to function as an individual within a work community, and how the community itself influences relationships.

Once these basics are grasped, the focus shifts to interaction in colleagueship. In a constantly changing world, it is impossible to predict how even familiar colleagues will react in new situations. The complexity of modern work also results in short-term colleagueships where quickly establishing rapport is crucial. Key questions to consider include:

  • How can you quickly build a connection with a colleague?
  • How do you maintain that connection?
  • How can teams tackle increasingly complex tasks together, even with limited time to build relationships?
  • How do we interact with different individuals?
  • How can we listen actively and authentically?
  • How do we maintain a positive atmosphere in our interactions?
  • How do we address and resolve conflicts that arise in colleagueships?

The next step is learning to understand different colleagues. Misunderstandings are common in colleagueships. People often attribute undesirable or unfamiliar behavior to permanent personality traits, such as intelligence or natural tendencies. This creates a static image of a colleague, leading to assumptions like “I can’t work with them” or “They are too rigid in their thinking.” However, by understanding personality differences, avoiding superficial judgments, and recognizing that others’ experiences differ from our own, we can improve our interactions and collaborations.

Finally, colleagueship skills are deepened by exploring various workplace situations and relationship stages. This involves examining different strategies and challenging scenarios:

  • How should we respond to different colleagueship situations?
  • Which strategies are suitable for each phase of colleagueship?

Why develop colleagueship?

What is the benefit of good workplace companionship? Some may think, “I just do my job, and others should do theirs—why overcomplicate things?” However, teamwork is at the core of every functioning community. To achieve results, we always depend on each other. Every daily interaction impacts the overall success of the team, making colleagueship a key asset.

Four Key Benefits of Strong Workplace Relationships (Based on Research):

  1. The better your work community thrives, the better you thrive.
  2. You perform better when you have strong relationships with colleagues.
  3. Good colleagueship strengthens the overall atmosphere, especially psychological safety.
  4. Strong collaboration builds resilience within the community.
Colleagueship Tutorial Package

Colleagueship Tutorial Package enhances well-being and success

The Colleagueship Tutorial Package is designed to enhance the well-being and success of expert teams. It offers practical training focused on the foundations of strong workplace relationships, effective communication, and understanding and appreciating diverse colleagues.

We develop colleagueship skills using research-based content, microlearning, and reflection:

  • Research-based learning content ensures that learning has a real impact.
  • Microlearning modules fit even into the busiest schedules.
  • Reflection turns learning into action—employees engage in self-reflection and shared reflection to explore what emotions the training evokes, what these skills mean to them, how they can apply them, and how to integrate them into their work.

By investing in colleagueship development, your employees will become more resilient, healthier, and more productive—leading to real, lasting change!

Colleagueship Tutorial Package includes the following courses

The Colleagueship tutorial package includes a wide range of tutorials that enhance colleagueship:

  • Good Colleagueship – Basics of Good Colleagueship
  • Good Colleagueship – Good Collaboration in Good Colleagueship
  • Good Colleagueship – Diverse Colleagues Around Me
  • Good Colleagueship – Developing Colleagueship Listening Skills
  • Show the Person Behind the Actions
  • See the Person Behind the Actions.
Work Communities Developed
Microlearnings Studied

Test the Colleagueship Tutorial Package for free

User feedback on package courses

“Excellent course, I got quite a lot out of it and it made me stop and think where I could be a better colleague. I would recommend this to anyone who feels that the working environment could be improved and the working relationships with colleagues improved.”

“It gave me a lot of tips on how to be a good colleague!”

“Valuable food for thought and reflection for developing your own thinking.”

“Fun and interesting. Easy to apply.”

Muuta mieltäsi

Academy of Brain muuttaa mielesi käyttäytymistieteelliseen tutkimukseen perustuvien valmennusten avulla. Verkkovalmennukset kehittävät tärkeimpiä työelämätaitoja, hyvinvointia ja itsensä johtamista. Opit palautumaan ja keskittymään sekä parannat vuorovaikutustaitoja, johtamista ja tapaa toimia määrätietoisesti paineen alla. Sisällöt keskittyvät psykologisten taitojen (soft skills) kehittämiseen. Tässä muutamia esimerkkejä sisällöistämme, jotka ovat kaikki palvelussa käytössäsi:


  • Aikuisen unikoulu
  • Paranna palautumistaitoja
  • Käytännön mindfulnessia
  • Arjen mielenhallinta
  • Painonhallinnan psykologia

Itsensä johtaminen

  • Ajankäytön hallinta
  • Keskittymiskyvyn ABC
  • Muutos haltuun – Kehitä paineensietokykyä
  • Mindset


  • Parempaa palautetta
  • Näin ratkaiset konfliktit
  • Valmentava johtaminen


  • Läsnäoleva vuorovaikutus
  • Huipputiimi
  • Psykologinen turvallisuus
  • Digitaalinen vuorovaikutus ja virtuaalitiimit
  • Persoonallisuus työelämässä

Reflection at the core of colleagueship development

At the heart of our solution is the ability to reflect—both individually and as a group. Reflection is not just an individual skill; it is something teams can engage in together to learn from their experiences, adapt to new situations, and support one another in reaching their full potential. When teams make reflection a regular habit, it transforms their interactions, problem-solving approaches, and the way they develop new ideas.

Our training programs emphasize reflection skills because they are essential for building a sustainable work environment. We guide our clients’ teams in having meaningful conversations, questioning their assumptions, and exploring new ideas collaboratively. This shared reflection fosters stronger connections, deeper understanding, and a culture where continuous improvement becomes the norm. This is especially vital as artificial intelligence becomes an increasingly active part of the workplace.

– Ville Ojanen (Chief Psychologist, Academy of Brain)

 – Academy of Brain, the science of Soft Skills learning

Soft Skills Learning


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