Online trainings at SSAB - Academy of Brain


Lead yourself and others well! – online training service for SSAB managers

SSAB is offering you a license to the Academy of Brain online training service. Sign up in the form below to get your personal license. These online trainings develop your wellbeing, leadership skills, self-leadership skills, and other essential work-life skills. The focus is on developing your psychological skills (soft skills). The best thing about online trainings is that you can choose the time and place for your own development – the service is mobile friendly! Hundreds of videos and exercises are at your fingertips just when you have the best time to study! It’s almost like Netflix, HBO, or Yle Areena! The online trainings are based on scientific research, expertise and years of practical experience. Academy of Brain’s advisory board ensures the quality of the tutorials creating the best learning experience for you! The board consists of three members: Psychologist Ph.D. Ville Ojanen, Leadership coach Jarmo Manner and Professor of Educational Sciences, Minna Huotilainen.

Lead yourself and others well! – learning track for SSAB managers

This learning track has been developed to support your important role as a supervisor. We focus both on developing self-direction through the development of our own ways of thinking and on developing the most important managerial skills of today.

Circumstances can be difficult to change, but you can always change your mind. At the heart of self-development is self-reflection – the ability to stop and ask essential questions from yourself. How can you develop your own thinking, how do you deal with everyday conflicts and take responsibility for your actions as a supervisor? We are now developing skills that will be useful in your daily life – both in everyday life and at work. The most important task of a supervisor is to enable employees’ success at work, and help them find their potential.

The learning track of SSAB’s supervisors brings together the most important aspects of today’s working life and practical skills for better people management, including these tutorials:

In addition to the content of the study path, all the content of the Academy of Brain is freely available to you for 12 months; dozens of tutorials including hundreds of videos and exercises.

Redeem your license here. The membership is non-binding and will be automatically deactivated after 12 months.

Enter the discount code you received from SSAB and you can activate your license free of charge:

[paytrail_payment price=”129″ team_id=”45424″ discount_code=”SSABmanager” discount_percent=”100″ lang=”en”]

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Soft Skills Learning


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